Chapter 30

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Chapter 30! I honestly thought this story would end at Chapter 21💛

Hardik's POV

"Come on, Harry!" She screamed as we ran along Juhu Beach at night, me chasing her. Her hair was blowing everywhere and she was trying her best to outrun me. Ha, I'm a cricketer, she could never.

I caught up to her fairly quickly, catching her by the waist and swinging her around, her laughing put loud as she held onto me by cluching my hands, begging me to put her down. She had this stupid thing that she was heavy and that I wouldn't be able to carry her.

I made it my life's mission to carry her at every point.

As I slowed down, she put her foot on the sand and turned around to face me, a serene look on her face. Her happiness was radiating off of her and I felt proud that I was the one who put it there. She came closer to kiss me, a beautiful grin on her face.

"Oye, Harry!" Yuvi paaji called me from the door of the dressing room. "Chalo, it's your turn to bowl."

After a horrible practise (each and every one of the balls I bowled went for runs by the lower order), I went back to the dressing room, pretty dejected. My personal life was in shambles and now, it was affecting my bowling. Virat came to me once I had finished my spell.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing, bhai." I muttered, not wanting to share things.

"Is it Eira?" He asked, hitting the nail right on the coffin. "She's getting married, isn't she?"

"Yea." No point in hiding it now, I guess.

"And what did you do?" He asked, walking with me back to the dressing room.

"What do you mean?" I was puzzled, what could I do?

"Yea, I mean, what did you do?" He shrugged.

"I... I did nothing. What could I do, she's in a contract."

"Not with the marriage, with Eira. Did you tall to her after the incident?"

"No." I muttered, suddenly feeling ashamed. She had it much much worse than me, in fact she was the person who was going to get married to the person she didn't want to get married too.

"Do you see?" He asked, looking at me. "Go to her, let her know that you're with her, no matter what! Don't listen to Ananya, don't tell Gia I said this but she's a bloody chudail." Virat laughed. "I only tolerated her because of Gia."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks Captain." I ran to the dressing room, took my bag and headed to my car, focused on getting to Gia's house as soon as possible.

Please don't tell me it's too late.

Eira's POV

It was Day 1 of the torture.

Yes, my extended family had come down and were making a mess out of everything in my house and were going about the wedding planning, as much as I didn't want to participate.

My whole house was decked with decoration items and wedding card templates and kids of all ages running around. I had informed my mother that I didn't want to rake part in this sham and had gone upstairs to hide out in my room, cursing out Neal every few minutes.

Sanya had gone back home that day in tears, mumbling about how Neal had betrayed her. Honestly, I didn't even feel guilty at this point, too tired with everything else. I mean, she wasn't the one who was getting married when she didn't want to, was she?

I looked at my contacts and scrolled down, stopping on Hardik's name. Huh, it was still saved under Harryboey❤. Wonder how long it took for him to run back home to Ananya after all the mishaps happening.

My eyesight blurred, just thinking about it.

How I wished that this was our wedding, we would be so happy. But that wasn't meant to happen was it? It was going to be Neal and me now, against Hardik and Ananya. Everyday, I would have to live with the fact that I lost the guy that I had loved.

We were walking along Carter Road, hand in hand. He was under a disguise, coming with being a cricketer but I had left my hair open, feeling the breeze flow through it.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him looking at me.

"What, is something wrong?" I asked, feeling self consious. Did I have something in my hair?

"No, jaanu. I love the way you look, you're the prettiest woman I have ever seen." He said, making me blush. I quickly covered my cheeks with my hands, making him laugh.

I adored the way he laughed.

"Jaanu, I really like you." He whispered into my forehead, kissing me after.

"I really like you too."

I loved him, really.

"Knock-knock!" My cousin, Shreya called from the other side, giddy with happiness. "What are you doing here? Come on, we'll have fun choosing clothes for everyone!" She said.

"No yaar, you go. Have fun." I said, shaking my head lightly.

"What's wrong?" She said, coming closer to sit on the bed, looking at me. "You're happy na?"

"Ya, I am." I said, hoping to convince her. "Really happy, Neal's a wonderful person." The words felt like acid on my tongue.

"Don't lie." She said. "You don't like Neal, no matter how wonderful of a person he is."

Bloody psychology majors. Can they read everybody?

"Look, if you don't want to tell me, don't." She said, after a few moments of silence. "But don't do this to yourself. If you don't like the guy, just say no."

"Thanks, Shreya." I nodded and she left.

After a few moments, there was a knock again.

"Yaar, Shreya I don't want to go down, don't you understand?" I said, opening the door.


Ya, I knowwww

But I was so busy with college applications and what not. Lord, with the way everyone's results have come in NEET, everyone who I know is going to be dropping a year.

But, I don't want to. So, the mental and physical struggle, really.

But, the next chapter should be up today itself, take it as a consolation for not posting yesterday.

I'm sorry, again💛

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