Chapter 19

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Eira's POV

"Eira!" Hardik was calling me.

"What?" I said, slowly getting up from the bed and walking down, still in my pajamas from the night before.

"Oh, here you are." He said. "We need to have a best friend day."

"Why?" I yawned, making Hardik frown. "I mean, why so early?"

"Because I need to spend the whole day with you!" He said. "We've been so busy lately."

"Uh-huh." I said, walking back into my room. Might as well have a bath and change into proper clothes.

"What did that mean?" Hardik shouted from behind me. "Plus, it's like ten already!"

I went up to my room and grabbed the first pair of jeans and a black top, I mean, I've got to dress to impress sometimes, right?

I walked down in my all black outfit, feeling okay. Like where was he planning to take me, anyway? Then I looked out the window. Holy shit, it was so hot outside, I quickly went to Hardik and asked if we were spending the day outside.

"Yep, kind of." He muttered and went back to his phone. "Nooo." I moaned, getting his attention.

"Now what?" He said, exasperated.

"It's so hot! I don't think I can handle this. I'm pretty high maintenance!" I said, swinging my arms.

"Stop the melodrama and take a hat, na?" He said.

"Who are you messaging anyway?" I said, coming around to take a look at the phone screen, which made him take the screen closer to his body.

"No one, dude. Let's go." He said, clicking the phone lock and putting it in his pocket and then standing up. "Chalo, we're wasting time!"

Just then, my landlines began to ring. Since there was nobody at the house nowadays, I had the duty of taking care of the house. I put up a finger to Hardik and went to the land line, picking it up.

"Hello, Rajput Residence?" I said, twirling the cord on my finger.

"Hey, it's Neal." His voice sounded hoarse.

"Hi, Neal! Are you sick?" I asked, frowning.

"Yea, I've got a fever but I have Sanya here." He said. I could here a female saying something to him. Then there was some shifting and the female came on the phone.

"Hi, this is Sanya!" She was so cheerful, God!

"Hey, Sanya! I'm Eira." I said, definately a lot less cheery. Who could be cheery at 11 in the morning. Eurgh.

"I know, Neal's told me a lot about you!" She giggled. "Anyways, remember how we were supposed to have dinner, all three of us?"

"You called to cancel, didn't you?" I laughed. "It's fine, you take of Neal, okay?"

"Yep, between you and me, he isn't a very complacent person in bed." She giggled, a 'hey!' could be heard from the background, making me laugh.

"Ya, ya, fine." Sanya said to Neal. "Chalo, I have to go now. And I'm so sorry again." She muttered.

"No, it's chill!" I said. "Bye guys and get well soon, Neal!"

"Byee!" Could be heard from both of them.

I kept the phone and sighed about how cute their relationship was. Honestly, they were so amazing to hear about, it's was such a pity that I couldn't meet them today.

I walked back to the door and saw Hardik standing there impatiently, having a frown on his face while looking at his phone. Hearing my footsteps, he looked up, the frown being present on his face. Looking at him, I spoke up.

"What's wrong?"

"I had reservations for 12:30, I guess we'll never make it." He said, glaring at his phone.

"So what?" I said, a smile on his face. "I'm not very specific, you know that!"

"Yaar, that's your problem." He muttered, under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I strained my ears. What the fuck was wrong with him?

"Nothing. Chale?" He said, a fake smile on his face.

"Why are you being so grumpy, anyways?" I said, pointing a finger at him. "Is it something with Ananya?"

"No, dude." He said, frustrated. "Can we go now?"

"No." I said, crossing my hands on my chest.

"No?" He frowned for the hundredth time. "Why?"

"Because you're being a mean old grouch right now and I can't deal with this. I mean, you never ever get frustrated with me, so something must be bothering you." I said, looking at him. "Either tell me, or we're not going." I finished with finality on my face.

"Are you serious?" He said, looking at me.

"Dead serious." I said, staring back. Gosh, that face of his is so beautiful, even when frustrated.

"Come on, Eira. Don't be so difficult, let's go. We might still make it to the reservations." He said, waving a hand towards the door.

"I'm being difficult? Me?" I said, pointing at myself. "If anything, you're being difficult! Just tell me what's wrong!" I shouted, having enough of the back and forth.

"Fine, you want to know what's wrong?" He said. "You, you're what's wrong right now."

"How the fuck am I wrong?" I said, disbelief clear in my voice.

"Did you know Neal has a girlfriend, Sanya?" He said. How did he know? He saw the expression on my face.

"So you did know! And yet, you're being with him? Poor Sanya, does she know that her boyfriend is cheating on her with a slut?" He finished, looking at me.

I gasped. He just called me a slut? "Hardik, I can explain!" I shouted over his rambling.

"I didn't peg you to be a homewreaker, Eira." He finished, looking at me. "What's the excuse, huh? You love him?"

"I love you!"

Well, I'm gutted that India lost but I'm so proud of the fact that Hardik got a 70 off of 40 something balls, I didn't really focus on that, I was bawling my eyes out when he did get out.

Fortunately, or unfortunately I didn't see Virat get out. I would've drowned my family in my tears.

For ffs, when did Pakistan have good bowlers?

But, all in all, both teams played beautifully and this time, Pakistan deserved the CT. God bless you guys, ily and don't murder me about the cliffhanger.


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