Chapter 7

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Soon, the two reached the arena. Eira took a seat up at the top of the arena, watching the others try to survive.

"Today, is about teamwork. Work together, and you might survive." Gobber starts.

The cage door opens and smoke enters the arena. Eira couldn't see a thing. Hiccup was paired with Fishlegs, the two girls together, and Tuff and Snotlout together. Eira thought this was a terrible lesson to watch, she couldn't see anything.

"Probably for the better." She thought to herself.

"Now, a wet dragon head can't light it's fire. The Zippleback is extra tricky. One head shoots gas while the other lights it. You need to know which does which, and soak the right one." Eira heard Gobber call out.

Eira heard a lot of yells from the smoke filled arena. Eventually the smoke cleared, and she saw Hiccup facing the dragon. He threw the bucket of water at the dragon, but missed by quite a bit.

"C'mon Hiccup." Eira muttered.

Suddenly, she heard Hiccup yelling.

"Back! Back!" He yelled as the dragon backed into its cage.

"Now don't let me tell you again." He continued as the others watched in amazement.

Eventually, the dragon went back into its cage.

"Now think about what you've done." He said.

"He's using eels." Eira said quietly to herself. She recognised the response from Brighteyes.

"Okay, so are we done? Cause I need to do something." He says quickly.

No one answers.

"See you tomorrow." He says to Astrid before rushing out.

Eira could see the annoyance on Astrid's face. After this, she took her chance to head back to the cove to see her dragon.
"Hey girl, I missed you to." Eira said as Brighteyes bounced around her.

"Hey, my arm is going to be healed tomorrow, isn't that great?" Eira said to the dragon.

Brighteyes purred in excitement.

Eira laughed. "I'm glad you're excited. Hey, weird question, but do you think I'll be able to ride you?" Eira asked.

Brighteyes just stared at her before giving her a gummy smile.

"Hehehe, I'll take that as a yes. Test flight tomorrow when my arm is healed?"

Brighteyes nodded, then rolled onto her back like a dog and cooed.

"I love you to Brighteyes." Eira said before playing with her for the rest of the afternoon.
The next day, as soon as Eira sling was off, she ran down to see Brighteyes. When she got there, she saw Hiccup chasing Toothless.

"Hey! Come back here!" He cried, trying to get a new attachment onto Toothless.

Eira laughed. She stood in front of the rampaging dragon and put a hand out. The dragon instantly stopped.

"Thanks." Hiccup said, out of breath.

"No problem. I'm doing a test flight on Brighteyes today." Eira told her brother.

"Please be careful." He said.

"No promises!" Eira cried as she hopped on Brighteyes.

"Okay girl, I don't know how this works, so please go eas...." She began before Brighteyes flew up.

"Brighteyes!" Eira yelled as the dragon took off to the sky. "Easy girl! I said easy, please!" She cried.

Once the two were high enough, Brighteyes calmed into a smooth glide over Berk. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful orange-pink.

"Whoa." Eira breathed as she took in the sights around her.

Eira sat comfortably on Brighteyes while taking in the view. She had been to every corner of Berk, but she had never seen it like this.

"Thank you girl, for all of this." Eira said as Brighteyes purred.

"Don't worry, Hiccup and your brother will get flying. I feel like they are going to become best friends." She said.

After a while, Brighteyes headed back to the cove. Eira scratched her behind her ears.

"Thank you so much for today. I must get you a saddle if we are going to be doing this often, to make it comfortable for both of us." Aisling said before running off home.
"Hiccup, I need you to help me make a saddle for Brighteyes." Eira said that evening.

"Woah, I can't just make you a saddle. I need to get the materials, then craft it during the night." Hiccup stated.

"Pleeease." Eira begged.

Hiccup sighed. "Fine, once I get Toothless flying."

"Thank you! I can try to help. He might co-operate a bit more if his sister is there." Eira said.

And that is how it continued for the next few weeks. Eira and Hiccup would go to the cove everyday, and Hiccup built a tail fin that would work on Toothless. During all the practices, they learnt new things about dragons and applied them at dragon training. All the teens but Astrid were very impressed. Astrid was very frustrated at how good Hiccup had gotten and how little she saw Eira nowadays. As the days went on, Astrid became very suspicious and almost caught Hiccup and Toothless. Eira gave him a thwack on the head for that. The Haddock twins father had returned to news of his kids being celebrities. Then one day, Hiccup and Toothless click.
After weeks of tweaking and changing things, Hiccup had finally perfected Toothless's tail. Eira and Brighteyes flew beside the two as Hiccup figured out the foot pedal.

"Okay bud, nice and easy." Hiccup said.

Eira rolled her eyes, knowing that Toothless wouldn't obey. Soon, Toothless bolted off.

"TOOTHLESS!" Hiccup yelled.

"C'mon girl, let's go after them, make sure they don't get killed." Eira said.

The two followed the renegade dragon and boy as the flew threw sea stacks.

"No!" Hiccup yelled as he lost his sheet.

He starts falling as Toothless desperately tries to get under him.

"Just get a hold of him!" Eira yells.

Hiccup manages to grab Toothless and get back into position. He kicks the pedal and the fin works, saving them from crashing into the sea.

"Yeah baby!" Hiccup yells.

Toothless shoots a blast.

"Oh c'mon." Hiccup complains as they fly straight threw it.

Eira laughs. "Hey you two, you wanna go to that small island over there to rest?"

"Sure. Let's go bud. Race you there!" Hiccup laughed.

"C'mon girl." Eira cried as she races over to the island.

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