Chapter 5

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"Thanks Gothi!" Astrid and Eira said as they left the old healer's hut.

Eira's left arm was now in a sling.

"Guess you won't be doing anymore dragon training huh." Astrid said as they walked home.

"Yeah, I guess, but to be honest, I'm relieved. I never wanted to do it in the first place." Eira said.

"But you're the chief's daughter, you need to be able to do it." Astrid commented.

"I'm not like my dad, and I never knew my mum, so I don't know what I am. But at least I got to know you better from this." Eira shrugged.

"Heh, same. I thought you were a wimp, but you can hold your own, and whack Snotlout on the head with his own helmet." Astrid explained as Eira laughed.

"I feel like we are going to get along great Astrid." Eira said.

Astrid paused, as if contemplating whether what Eira said was true, before saying "Yeah, I think so to."

Eventually they reached the town square.

"Hey, I got to meet Hiccup. I'll see you tomorrow?" Eira asked.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Astrid said before the two teenage girls parted ways.

After leaving, Eira grabbed a fish and headed to the cove, hoping to find Hiccup and the dragons there.
Eira reached the cove, finding a shield blocking her way in. She crouched under it and sees the black Night Fury sitting in front of Hiccup like a cat while Hiccup had half a fish in his lap. It looked like he had taken a bite out of it.

"Gross." Eira thought.

Hiccup was doing an awkward smile when Eira noticed the dragon was doing the same. The grey dragon was nowhere to be seen. Hiccup goes to touch the dragon before it hisses at him and runs off.

"Hey Hiccup." Eira called.

Hiccup jumps, startled.

"H-Hey Eira. How long have you been there?" He asked.

"About 5 minutes." She replied. "Hey, where is the other dragon?"

Before Hiccup could reply, the grey dragon jumped in front of her, curiosity gleaming in those gorgeous blue eyes. Instead of being startled, Eira stood her ground. The dragon seemed calm in her presence, its pupils round, not slitted.

"Hey girl." Eira said softly as Hiccup watched silently.

"I've got some food for you if you want it." Slowly, the dragon sniffed her, looking for danger. When it sensed none, it move forward, the way a cat hunts its prey, towards the small girl.

"That's it." Eira said softly, holding the fish out with her one good arm.

Then, very gently, the dragon took the fish and ate it.

"Huh, retractable teeth." Eira said.

"Yup. Eira, that is amazing." Hiccup said.

Slowly, the dragon came up to Eira. The girl saw so much of herself in this dragon, that she felt a connection. She was not afraid. She lifted up her hand, centimetres away from the dragon. She looked away, waiting for a response. Then, she felt something beneath her hand. She looked up and her eyes met the blue orbs. She moved closer, proceeding to scratch the dragon.

"That's a good girl." Eira cooed as her brother stared at her in amazement, his jaw opened wide.

Then, the black Night Fury called his sister to him, and she left the children. The two then started heading back to the house. When they were halfway home, Hiccup spoke.


"Shhh! I'm not really sure, I just wasn't afraid. I felt a connection between us two. I just put my hand out and she leant into it. I need to name her." Eira trailed off.

"We are going back, and we are gaining that Night Fury's trust." Hiccup said sternly.
The next day, Hiccup and Eira returned to the cove with a bag full of all different kinds of fish. Hiccup carried the bag while Eira walked ahead.

"Ugh, why did we bring so much fish. This bag is so heavy." Hiccup complained.

"Well, if you had paid attention in dragon class, my arm wouldn't be broken and we could both carry the basket." Eira said.

"Oh, you're really playing that card huh." Hiccup whined.

"Yup." Eira grinned.

Eventually the two got to the cove. The two Night Furies were hanging from a tree upside down.

"Hey guys." Eira said softly, in hopes off earning the black dragon's trust.

"We brought you some fish. Atlantic cod, salmon, tuna." Hiccup explained.

The dragons approached the basket cautiously. They were about to eat the fish when they saw the eel. The two hissed and backed away.

"Oh, so you don't like eels. Me neither, I was never a big fan." Eira said.

"Here you go Toothless." Hiccup said throwing a salmon at the black Night Fury.

"Toothless? That's what you named it?" Eira asked.

"Yeah, 'cause retractable teeth." Hiccup explained.

"Cute. I still need to name my dragon." Eira said as she threw a mackerel at the grey Night Fury.

Then, when the dragon finished, it curled up in a ball only showing it bright, blue eyes. That's when it happened.

"Brighteyes! How about that girl. You like that?" Eira said excitedly.

Brighteyes purred in agreement.

"I thought I understood you Eira, but now I feel like I never will." Hiccup sighed.

"I don't understand me either, but this all feels natural to me." Eira shrugged.

Sighing, Hiccup headed to the other side of the cove. He grabbed a stick and started doodling in the dirt. Toothless followed, curious as to what this strange being was doing. He watched as Hiccup sketched a picture of him in the dirt. He then decided to give doodling a try. He grabbed a big branch and dragged in around the dirt. He eventually stood back, admiring his work. By now, Eira had left, knowing that her brother liked to be alone when he was down. Hiccup stood up, looking at the lines around him. He took a step and landed on one of the lines. Toothless growled at him. Hiccup made his way out avoiding the lines eventually coming face to face with the dragon. Copying his sister, he put a hand out, and to his surprise, the dragon made contact. Shortly after, he ran away to join his sister as Hiccup did the same.

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