Chapter 1

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*Indent = 3rd Person Narration

This, is Berk. It's 12 days north of hopeless, and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It is located solidly on the meridian of misery. This, is the home of our antagonists. Don't worry you'll meet them soon. Me, I'm just the narrator, I just set the mood. I won't be here long. Any ways, where was I? Oh yes. Berk. In one word, sturdy. It has been here for seven generations, but every building is new. There is fishing, hunting, and beautiful sunsets. The only problem is the pests. See, some places have rats, or bugs, well, Berk has...

"Dragons!" Hiccup exclaimed as he closed the door before the monstrous creature could burn him to a crisp. He slowly re-opened the door before he heard a voice.

"Hiccup? Where are you going?" His younger twin sister, Eira inquired. She is a small, skinny girl for her age with the same coloured hair as her brother and stunning green eyes. She wore a green woollen dress with a brown fur coat. She wore her hair in two braids.

"I'm going to help Gobber out. He'll need it tonight." Her brother explained.

"I'm going too." Eira said firmly.

"No, you're not. I don't want you getting hurt." Hiccup said before running out the door.

The door slammed shut and Eira went and flopped on her bed.

"I need to kill a dragon. I need to prove myself. A Nadder will get me noticed, a Gronkle will get me a boyfriend, a  Zippleback, twice the recognition, a Monstrous Nightmare? I would be seen as amazing! But the most valuable of them all, one that nobody has ever seen..."

"Night Fury!" Someone cried out from the distance.

Eira hoped out of her bed and out her bedroom window. She quickly grabbed her trapping device she had been working on for the past month, and headed to one of the higher, but quiet points of the island. She couldn't risk being seen, or she would be in a heap of trouble. In the distance in the light of a dragon's fire, she saw the chief, Stoick the Vast, taking on a Monstrous  Nightmare, and protecting... Hiccup? Before she could run down to him, she heard the flapping of wings.

"This is it. This is my chance." She thought to herself.

She saw a shadow fly above her, and she shot at the creature. It let out a mighty roar before tumbling out of the sky.

"Yes! I did it! I shot down a dragon!" She celebrated.

Slowly, a creature crept up behind her. Turning slowly, Eira came face to face with a Deadly Nadder. Eira screamed as she ran down to the village, the Nadder close on her tail. She stopped when she collided with a rather large viking with a red beard. She gulped, knowing she was in big trouble. The Nadder had been scared off by all the other vikings. She saw her brother next to the viking, a hopeless expression planted on his face. Eira slowly looked up at the man before timidly saying,

"Hey, Dad."

Stoick looked down at his daughter with disapproval.

"Hiccup, Eira, how many times do I have to tell you, you two do not participate in dragon raids." He said, a stern expression never leaving his face.

"We know, but I shot down a Night Fury." Hiccup said quickly and quietly. Neither Stoick or Eira heard.

"Winter is coming, and I have an entire village to feed. Every time you two step outside, disaster follows." Stoick stated.

"I think the village could do with a little less feeding." Eira imputed. Stoick just glared at the girl.

"This isn't a joke Eira!" Stoick bellowed. He sighed. "Why can't you two follow the simplest orders?" He asked.

"We can't stop ourselves! We just see a dragon and we have to... Just... Kill it. That's who we are Dad." Hiccup said while Eira nodded in agreement.

"You two are many things, but a dragon killer isn't one of them." Stoick said. "Gobber, take them back to the house and make sure they get there." He sighed.

The Haddock twins slowly walk up back to the house. The other teenagers start to ridicule them as they leave.

"Quite the performance." Tuffnut said.

"I've never seen anyone mess up that bad!" Snotlout teased. Eira hated Snotlout, he was always trying to flirt with her.

"You are a mess up, a bad one." Eira snapped at the boy before marching up to the house.
"You know, I really shot down a dragon." Hiccup said on the trek back.

"No way! I did as well!"Eira included.

"Sure ye did." Gobber said tiredly.

"He never listens." Hiccup began to rant.

"Runs in the family." Gobber said as Eira shot him a glare.

"And, and when he does, he always has this... Disappointed scowl. Like, someone forgot the meat in his sandwich." Hiccup continued.

"Excuse me, bar maid, you've brought me the wrong off springs. I ordered two extra large boys with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This, this here are two talking fish bones, and one of them isn't a boy." Eira and Hiccup said together, mimicking Stoick. Many nights they had done this when they felt down.

"You two are thinking about this all wrong. It's not what ye look like, it's what is inside ye that he can't stand." Gobber said.

"Thanks for summing that up." Eira said.

"Look, just, stop trying to be something ye're not, both of ye." Gobber advised.

"I just wanna be accepted." Eira sighed.

"I want to be like you guys." Hiccup said before opening the door to his house, Eira following suit.

When they got inside, Hiccup asked Eira.

"Did you really shoot down a dragon?"

"Yeah. Did you really shoot down a Night Fury?" Eira asked Hiccup.

"Positive." He answered. "Wanna go with me to find it?"

"You know I'm in. Same for me?" Eira said.

Hiccup nodded. The two of them jumped out the back window, and headed down to the forest to find their dragons, and maybe, finally prove themselves to their father.

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