Chapter Four // Scars

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Scars - Boy Epic

Chapter Four

Ricky's POV

Geez, so, a month has past, Lola and I are on good terms, I think.. Uh, we're on the way to Balz' place as an end of tour dinner type thing, oh, and as 'we', I mean Jessica and I.

Tour ended a few day's ago, it was a great tour overall, just missed my girl, Jessica, so much. I'm so happy to be with my love again.

I missed her touch, her beauty, her entity..

"Mm, babe, what time is it?" Jessica asks, I pull out my phone from my pocket and unlocked it, "it's 8:26, love." I answer as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"We'll be there in a couple of minutes." She says, "alright." I smiled and placed my hand on her thigh. "I love you, my princess." I said quietly as I gazed upon her, "I love you too, so much." She giggled softly.

"How was tour? Was there any honorable moments?" She questions, "uhm, nothing comes to mind as of now, it was pretty much the same old, same old, though if I remember anything unusual, I'll tell you about it." I answered.

"I know I've said this before, but God.. I am one lucky man, you are so beautiful, so breathtaking. I'll die peacefully by your side. You hold the key to my heart, my love." I admit, "I love you." She blushes.

"Ricky, I have to tell you something." She says quietly as she pulls to the side of the road, "what is it, Jessica?" I ask as I place my hand on her thigh, "give me a sec." She sighs heavily as she parks the car.

"Babe, tell me, you're making me worry." I said, "Ricky.. I love you." She says, "I love you too, but this isn't what you were about to say, is it?" I question.

"No, Ricky.. You've been away off and on for nearly a year, I haven't actually seen you for such a long time." She answers, "go on." I say.

"When you were away, it was hard for me.. I was quite lonesome for you.." she trails off, "tell me, Jessica. Fuck." I tensed up. "When you were away, I che-.. I cheated on you." She confesses, I felt my stomach sink.

"With who?" I ask quietly as I look out the window, "you don't know him, but with a guy named Tom." She admits, "we're almost there. I'll go by myself." I said trying to open the car door but it was locked, "unlock the door." I demanded, slamming my fist against the car door.

"S-sure." She says as she unlocks the door, "I'm sorry, Ricky, you know I love you." She apologizes, "you know what?" I say as I open the door, "that's fucking bullshit, Jessica. If you loved me, you wouldn't hurt me." I spat as I got out of the car, slamming the door shut, I stormed down the street, not looking back.

I don't deserve this bullshit.

I don't deserve to be hurt.

I didn't do fucking anything, I was loyal, I kept my dick in my pants, there was plenty of chances where I could've cheated on her.

Did I take them? Of course not.

You don't cheat or hurt someone you're supposed to be in love with.


Where am I?

I sighed and looked at the street sign, I pulled out my phone and opened Google Maps, I clicked on directions, I typed in where I am and where Balz' house is.

Oh, well.

I'm already on the street, god, I'm an idiot. Fuck.

I sighed and walked a few houses down, I sat on the porch and buried my face in my hands, a few years trailed down my face.

I don't deserve this.. Or did I?

How silly can I be?

Fuck this.

"Ricky!" Someone calls out, I wiped away the tears from my face and looked up, it was Jessica..

"What do you want?" I snap, "I'm sorry, Ricky, it didn't mean anything, I swear to you." She pleads as she comes closer to me, "if I meant shit to you, you wouldn't have done this." I glared at her as I stood up.

"How long was this?" I ask, "for a couple of months.. It ended a long time ago, I swear. I'm so sorry." She begs as she places her hand on my arm. "Don't fucking touch me." I say as I yanked away my arm, "please, Ricky, I'm begging you." She pleads.

"Get lost, Jessica. I don't want you here." I demand, "what about everyone? I told them we were coming together.." She asks, "I'll deal with it. Please, just.. Leave me alone, Jessica." I plead, she nodded slightly and walked away.

"No matter how bad you've hurt me.. I still love you, my sweet misery." I said quietly as I watch her walk off into the distance.

My sweet misery..

Lola's POV

I heard Ricky is supposed to be here tonight, I like Ricky, a lot, I'm waiting for him to arrive, Chris went out with a guy to get some wings.

Back to why I like Ricky, I like Ricky because he treats me like an actual human, he seems quite.. Caring, I like that. I'm not into the whole goth-esque guy or anything, but Ricky is very cute.

I feel somewhat normal whenever we're together.

"Hey, Lola, right?" Some girls asks, I nod my head yes, "nice! My name is Ryan-Ashley, I'm Balz partner. Nice to meet you." She smiles and shakes my hand, "nice to meet you too." I said quietly.

"There's no need to be shy, sweetie. I'm not going to bite." She says sweetly, I fake a small smile, "well, if you need anything, just ask me." She says as she walks away, I look out the window as I sigh quietly.

I miss being normal.. Even though my normal may have been different, it wasn't like this..

"Rickster! You're here!" Someone chirps, I gasp softly and look towards the door, "have you been crying?" The lady asks him. He looks towards me and smiles, I wave slightly towards him.

The only face in this entire room who I actually know and like.. I don't know anyone's name besides Ryan-Ashley.

I hope this doesn't sound unusual, but I hope Ricky talks to me or something.

Ryan-Ashley and Ricky sat on the other couch in front of me, "Ricky, you okay?" She asks him, "I'm not sure.. Jessy- I mean Jessica told me she's been.. Cheating on me." He answers, "oh, hun, I'm so sorry." She says as she hugs him.

Why would anyone cheat on him?

He seems like a gentleman.

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