Chapter 1

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*Tanya's POV*
"TANYA! TANYA! Get your lazy ass here right now!" I heard Katherine from downstairs. I groaned and put covers on myself again. "She is angry. Now GET UP!" Chris said while chuckling. I didn't even noticed he was here. "What now?' I said while yawning and getting up. "How the fuck can you forget?' He said shocked. "I forgot. Now tell!" I said irritatingly. "Ok! Well pack up your stuff because we are moving tomorrow morning." He said. "Shit! Sorry. I'm coming downstairs in a minute." I told him will rushing to the bathroom. "Ok! Hurry up." He said while leaving. I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeths and got in the shower. "Sorry! I'm late. I entirely forgot. Sorry Kat!". "No problem. Now eat and pack because we don't have alot of time." Katherine said throwing a apple at Amanda who was laughing because Tyler spilled wheat all over her face. "Why don't you cook the dinner for us Ami? Tyler taunted because Amanda is a terrible cook. "Oh really Ty! I am better cook than you." Amanda said angrily. We all laughed and Amanda scoffed. "Please don't burn the house Ami. We are leaving that doesn't mean you will burn it." Zach said giggling. "Zach and Tyler Stop it!" Katherine said while protecting Amanda. "How big is the house?" Abby asked while eating pancakes. "I guess it's equal or bigger than this one." I said casually. "I can't wait to move New York." Caleb said excitedly. We all giggled. I can't wait to move New york.
*Jason's POV*
I saw all of them talking and laughing. I smiled when I was Tanya laughing. You will be mine soon baby girl. I got a text from Khalil.
K- Khalil
J- Jason
K- I got the tickets for 1st class.
J- Are the tickets near her cabin ?
K- Yaay! The next cabin to her's
J- Thanks man you are a lifesaver 😉
K- Anytime bro 😉👍
I was so happy my cabin is next to my baby girl. I heard a heated argument inside her house I peeked inside jer house and saw Tanya holding a showpiece in her left hand and her friend Caleb another showpiece. I tried to eavesdrop what are the arguing about.
"NO! CALEB! WHY DON'T YOU GET IT? IT'S MY DAD'S GIFT. IT WAS HIS LAST GIFT TO ME BEFORE HE DIED. I CAN'T LEAVE IT HERE I WILL CARRY IT EVERYWHERE." She said while breaking into tears. Oh my god! I can't belive it I saw her crying first time I can feel rage building inside me. How dare he? How dare he? How can he make my baby girl cry? No one can't hurt her. "I'm so so sorry Tanya. I don't mean to hurt you sorry I'm sorry." I heard Caleb apologizing. I saw Tanya wiping her tears and sniffing. She said "It's fine Caleb It's fine." She said smiling sadly. I can't wait to take her with me forever. I drove to the hideout. I have a lot to pack.
*Tanya's POV*
I cook the dinner with Chris and we all were eating and laughing "Hey Tanya! Can you pass me the loaf ?" Zach asked. "Yaay! Sure here" I said passing the loaf basket. "I'm gonna miss London." Katherine said sadly.
"Awww! Kat we all will be living together anyways." I said cheering her up. "Yaay! Kat" everyone said trying to cheer her. "By the way we are the best. Aren't we?" Zach asked. "Yeah!" I said laughing. "We all should get some sleep. We have a sea voyage yesterday" Caleb said. "You're right." I said casually. "Night everyone" Zach exclaimed while pitting his dish in the sink. "Night Zachie!" I said smiling.
*15 minutes later*
"Huh! Today was tiring and tomorrow will be more" I muttered to myself and put covers over myself and slowly falled asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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