"I'm sorry B-" I get cut off.

"Stop being sorry El" Brandon chuckles and I smile.

"We're here guys" Lock turns off the engine and gets out of the car.

We all get out and I see a beautiful jet outshine the stars over us. My eyes practically are in awe right now. I turn to my right and see a woman and a little girl which I'm sure is Brandon's sister and mom.

"Branny!!!" the little girl runs up to Brandon and hugs him with all her might. Brandon hugs back and it looks like he's crying. The little girls mom walks towards them and tears them apart. That really made my blood boil. Lock comes up from behind and  wraps his huge arms around me.

"Lock" I say hugging him.

"That's the way she is Butterfly" he hugs me back.

"We did not come here for you to associate with us!!" I hear the woman snap to Brandon and he looks at her with anger.

I push away from Lock and look over to her.

"Hey!" I shout.

"Stop Butterfly" Lock wraps his arms around me from behind and nuzzles his head on the side of my head.

"Uh?" the woman turns to me.

"Why won't you just let Brandon see his own sister?!" I say fiercely and Brandon looks at me "You can't force a little sister to stop seeing her big brother... that's really fucked" I say and look at the little girl wanting to cry.

"Butterfly stop" Lock picks me up bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"And who are you to say that?" Brandon's mom puts her hand on her hip.

"She's our teams little sister" Colin snaps and the guys walk up to us.

"Keth?" the woman looks at him for help "this monster killed your brother in law" she looks at Lock then the guys.

Lock steps back clearly not liking that. I put my hand on his cheek and mouth you're not a monster. I put my hand down and wrap it back around his neck.

"Oh fuck off Sarah, Brandon could've easily left you here" Keth snaps.

"But no, he was actually wanting to get his sister to safety" Lock growls.

"You're messed up in the head" Colin shakes his head.

"Me? You are the sickos who KILL!" Brandon's mom, Sarah, pulls the little girl closer to her.

"Caroline means the fucking world to me! Just cause I kill doesn't fucking take away how I feel about my family" Brandon snaps. I guess Caroline is his sister.

"Family?! You killed your father as soon as you escaped jail! You and your friends!" Sarah points at all of us and shock is written all over my face.

"Butterfly..." Lock says softly.

"W-why?" I look up at him.

"He hurt Sarah and Caroline, we weren't going to stand by and watch that so once we escaped we went over to his house and slaughtered the man" Lock says avoiding eye contact... oh no I didn't mean to make him question how I feel about him!

I lift his chin and passionately kiss him, he's confused at first but kisses back. I pull back and smile.

"I love you" I rest my heading on his chest.

"I love you too" he puts his head on mine.

We were so caught up in this moment that we didn't realize it was time to go.

"It's time..." Justin looks at Lock and I.

"I love you Carrie" Brandon cries.

"I love you too Branny" Caroline wipes away her tears. Brandon's face lights up as soon as she says that. I smile at the thought of how he must feel hearing his sister say she loves him.

"Ok Butterfly" Lock gently puts me down and hugs me "I'm gonna try my best to get you back as soon as possible" he says tugging at my shirt.

"I know baby" I tug at his shirt also and all the sudden were ripped apart by Maximus between us.

"I'll see you soon Max, I love you" I kneel down and kiss his nose. He barks and licks my face. I pet him and stand back up.

"I love you Butterfly" Lock passionately kisses me and I kiss back.

"I love you too" I smile.

"We'll see you soon El" the guys pull me in a big bear hug.

"I love you guys" I smile as they pull away.

"We love you too" they smile.

"Good luck up there with that bat" Keth laughs.

"I'll need it" I roll my eyes and hug him.

"See you soon kid" he hugs me and pats my back.

"Come on Butterfly" Lock signals me to the door of the jet.

"Goodbye guys!" I wave and kiss Locks cheek before hopping in the jet while being followed by Sarah and Caroline.

"BYE!!" they all shout as we take off.

I love my killer friends.

The Escaped Prisoners Girl | {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now