Next to You

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A/N: By the way, this first chapter was meant to be a one shot, so it's pretty long and a lot of stuff happen in just one chapter lol. Enjoy.

The sun's light was coming through the window of the small apartment, hitting her face, causing her to slowly wake up. She rolled around on her bed to avoid the light of the sun but then, she felt something warmer next to her.

She opened her eyes a little only to find blonde hair, pale skin and a beautiful face resting right next to her. She smiled at the sight of it.

One of the best ways to wake up, that was it, having at her side to a certain celestial magician.

Erza Scarlet, better known as Titania, Queen of the Fairies, was in bed with her girlfriend. Yes. Girlfriend. Anyone would say that it was a joke, but no, it wasn't.

After the big magic games, she had confessed her feelings to Lucy Heartfilia, celestial magician of Fairy Tail. The curious thing about all of that, was that the blonde had returned her feelings towards the knight. Both of them loved each other.

That had taken place eight months ago, and during that time, Erza noticed that Lucy had been keeping a lot of secrets. Important secrets that Lucy's friends should have known since day one. But the blonde had told Erza that she was scared of being discriminated because of what Lucy really was.

Erza, still in bed, moved to embrace Lucy in her arms. The last one curled up in Erza's body causing a smile on the knight face. Erza enjoyed so much being like this, even more when there was this winter's coldness already making its first appearance​s.

The body of the celestial magician always radiated warmth that made Erza feel like she was at "home".

"It's time to get up," Erza murmured before kissing the blonde's cheek.

But Lucy took the blankets and hid herself under them, causing a little laugh on her partner.

"But I don't want to," Lucy refused still without opening her eyes.

"It's late.." Erza pointed out.

Lucy moved to where the two of them were only inches apart. The blonde hid her face on the crock of Erza's neck.

"No.." Lucy whispered while hugging Erza tighter.

Erza knew better. When Lucy was like this, all moody, it was hard to make her get up from bed.

"We have to go to the guild," The knight stated, stroking the blonde hair of her girlfriend. Lucy sighed at the caress but still, she didn't open her eyes.

But Erza kept trying anyways, so she whispered with a smile on her face. "You're such a spoiled girl Lucy.."

The truth was that Erza couldn't care less if Lucy was like this, in some way, she liked to spoil the blonde.

"Mmh, just a little longer.." Lucy murmured.

Erza eventually gave up on trying to get her out of bed, she didn't even know why she wanted to get up and leave this comfortable position. She just enjoyed this way too much to want to leave it, but then again... they still had things to do and Lucy wasn't helping, at all.

Erza without realizing started thinking about all the things they have been through, the secrets, the problems, their history..

"Hey," Lucy spoke. "Do not start overthinking." She suddenly said, kicking Erza out of her thoughts.

"Stop sneaking into my mind." Erza complained, wanting to sound angry but failing in the attempt.

"It's not my fault that I can hear your thoughts so easily." The blonde told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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