A change of events

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Star, Joy and a sleepy Lexi existed the train as it pulled into the station. They all stood there, Star in her usual attire, Joy wearing her bunny suit, and Lexi wearing her tomboy clothing. 

"So, do we know where were meant to meet with the rest of team?"

Lexi shrugged and rubbed her eyes with a yawn. And Joy just looked at her with big, sorry ocean eyes.

"Well, we'll just look around then" Star sighed and they started walking. 

"So do we know where we're going?" Joy wondered aloud as Star steered them through the people. 

"Nope, just looking around" Star answered. Some of the people in the crowd kept glancing back at star, but they where met with cold glares and hissed threats. "What are you looking at?" 

Joy hid behind Star's legs, trying not to be trampled by the people. 

Star could feel her legs moving on their own accord, she wasn't telling them where to go they where just walking. It was strange but Star decided it couldn't do any harm, and she didn't inform either the sleepy Lexi or Joy. Star caught someone staring at her with a slightly agape mouth, and she reacted accordingly, by smacking a nerve in his knee, making him crumple to the ground in pain.

"Joy, come sit on my shoulder before these people crush you" Star leaned down for a second to pick up her exceed her proceeded to sit on her shoulder. 

"Whoa, can you see that tall building?" Joy asked, her eyes sparkling, "that’s where the exceeds where supposed to be!" 

When star looked at it, her eyes began to water, then a feeling of pain and regret filled her mind, before being washed out by a happiness she hadn’t felt in awhile, the happiness she only felt with Lily. But that happiness was accompanied by some sadness she could hardly explain. so when she saw the mark on the front of the building, star was forced to look away and quickly regain her composure from the sudden break down. She shook her head and then pretended like nothing happened.

It was dusk and Star was standing in a street, there was a river running down the middle and star had unconsciously balanced along it before Lexi asked what the heck she was doing. And now she stood in font of this house, with no one walking the street. Star kept staring at the house, unable to take he eyes from it.

"What’s so special about this house Star? I mean geeze"

"Shut up Lexi"

"What did you say!?"

"You heard" Star couldn't be bothered to answer Lexi's shouted comebacks that lacked the main thing, the actual comeback. The best she could muster was 'right back at you' which didn't make sense in this particular argument. 

"Wow, this house is nice" Joy stated, walking towards the door, Star didn't even notice until the door was ripped open. 

"A little Bunny Cat!" a brunette kid around 4 shouted as he rush to Joy and squeezed her in a hug.

"James! get back here!" a woman with short brown hair came into the open doorway and saw the surprised and frozen star, pouting Lexi and the small cat/rabbit in her son's arms. 

"Um, can I help you?" She asked nervously, sensing the unusual atmosphere around the group mysteriously standing in front of her house.

Star came over her frozen state and bowed, "My apologies milady my friend used to live here. She passed away a while ago and i just had to see the house again. It was like a second home" 

"Oh, You must be a friend of that young Lucy girl, the one from FairyTail" she looked sad and sorry and the name Lucy shook her for a second before the woman stepped aside, "please come in, would you like to share dinner with myself and my son?"

Star smiled kindly and declined, but the woman persisted, saying they could see the place their friend once lived. This got star inside.

"Well miss, this is Lexi, the tomboy with a fashion sense. The Bunny-cat Joy and I'm Star"

The woman smiled, "I'm Mya and this is James" she introduced, gesturing towards her son who had a tight grip on Joy who was looking happy in his arms. "James you shouldn't hold onto the bunny so tightly, we don't want to hurt it now do we?"

James shrugged and kept running with joy who didn't look fazed in the slightest.

"Don’t worry miss, joy is quite robust she'll be fine"

Mya thanked Star and the three women went to the kitchen, Star glanced around, everything seemed so familiar yet so alien. 

"We are having ramen tonight, I hope your ok with it?"

"Yes than you" Star and Lexi said at the same time and Mya laughed lightly.

Star, Lexi and Joy booked a hotel for the night, and then went back into magnolia to see if they could come across the rest of the team. But they where having great difficulty finding the others. 

"Oh, where are they?" Joy sighed. "I wish they would show up or at least phone us"

"Well they're not so we'll just put up with it" star replied to the annoyed exceed, and ignored Lexi's repetitive complaints and foul language.

The next events where shocking and passed in a blue, but so, so important.

Star bumped into a girl with white, flowing long hair, her fringe in a pigtail at the front, and they both fell.

"Ouch, my bad I'm so sorry-" 

"L-L" The girl stammered, and Star looked up to see tears in her big, blue eyes. "Lucy!"

The group froze and Star's eyes widened. "m-Mira!" 

Lexi nocked both the girls unconscious and Joy shouted in surprise as the blonde and white haired girl lay motionless on the cobblestones.

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