Damm it!

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Star pulled out her phone and dialled a number she had learnt by heart by now.

"Hello? Mrs Gabriel here"

Star put on a sweet, innocent girly voice as she answered, "hello mrs Gabriel. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but Mr Mayu requires all the places your husband visits. May you please check the log book he owns?"

"Sure thing dear" there was some background noise as finally a sigh on the other side, "um how recent?"

"The last month please"

"Oh dear that's going to take awhile, well better get started" mrs Gabriel then proceeded to give star all of the addresses and she scribbled them down on a piece of paper. After all of the places where some star quickly added.

"So what's the baby's name?" She didn't know if mrs Gabriel was pregnant or not, but it was worth a try,


"I come on, I can tell if had a baby too" star kept up the sweet voice, but added a drip of teasing into her tone.

"No one else has noticed! I'm only a week pregnant!"

Star giggled into the mobile, "girl or boy?"


"What's her name?"

"I was going to call her Lily"

Star hesitated for a moment as she gulped, that was her daughters name.

"That's the name if my daughter!" She giggled

"Oh no! That wouldn't do, I shall change her name to something else, she can't go sharing the names of others little girls!"

Star laughed sweetly and extended the conversation, "well I always thought the name Lucy was a nice name"

"Oh Hun! That's a beautiful name! Maybe I shall name her that!"

Star smiled and her expression soften considerably. "Well, take care of your self and to-be lucy! Oh and tell your husband that Mr Mayu already has his location log, and wish him a good day from me!"

"Goodbye dear"

"Goodbye mrs Gabriel" and with that star hung up on the call and stood,cleaning against the wall of the ally. She breathed in deeply and then broke into a clothes shop she grabbed a brunette wig, green contacts, white summer skirt for the warm weather (sudden change of temp from yesterday!) a black silk t shirt with a sparrow outlined in gold, plus a pare of fake glasses that looked amazingly real.

Shut placed her other clothing into her hand bag and finished her disguise with a change to her voice pitch, she made it high and squeaky. She even brushed a brown lock repeatedly off her face. She was a totally different person suddenly. She waved to be as she walked along the streets going to the atrium cafe on the end if the road. Once their she ordered a piece if chocolate cake and a hot chocolate. She then chose a table made for two on the second landing near the back, but not so far it would look suspicious.

Since her description had been leaked, everyone seemed to know what she looked likes and it took the Privilege of being able to walk around freely. Not to mention that damn guild was in town, since she looked like that head girl lucy, she would be easily recognised by any one of them. She was mostly worried about those dragon slayers, if they even got a whiff of her scent,which was similar to Lucy's, she would be given away. So she applied a perfume that ash had stolen recently from a supré store.

Pushed grabbed her phone again, texted Lexi (who had switched her guard in Gabriel by now) and Ember.

To: tomynboy & Daniel

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