Mission complished

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"So she's after you Gabriel?" Natsu smirked, feeling better then before, "let's take care of her!"

Just as natsu went to pounce Erza held her arm infront of the pinkette. "Wait, this might be a diversion, Gabriel I want you to go with natsu and Wendy, the rest of us stay here and fight them"

Looking back natsu noticed that more strange characters where gathering on the street and frightened pedestrians screeched before running into coffee on the sides of the roads.

"Such cowards aren't they?" Only natsu's hearing could pick up the sound of the girls voice, "this will sort them out"

"Go!" After Erza shouted her command Wendy, natsu and Gabriel turned and ran down the street. They didn't look back, but forward. Dashing along streets they feared away from some enemies that appeared in the shadows of allies.

However, they where soon forced to go into an ally, and they met with a girl with dark black hair, and eyes. Her black scarf was tied around her neck and her coak flapped about her, she stared at them, her gloved hands hidden in coat pockets.

"I want Gabriel then I'll leave"

Natsu scowled and stood infront if the two. "Go ahead, I'll fight this guy, she's a Mage"

Wendy nodded and lead Gabriel straight last the girl, who didnt move but stood still and awaited an attack.

"Fire dragon's iron fist!"


Wendy led the man onto a busy street, it was one way and people pushed into her, forcing herself and Gabriel down the road. Wendy looked for the closest ally, but it was taken up by two punish looking people. She moved away from that one and dragged Gabriel by the wrist to the next, but yet again it was guarded. The same for the last one. Wendy knew they'd be blocked off the the moment they exited this street, and then it'd be trouble...

She looked around for a open store, and quickly noticed one with a little green sign saying open.

"There!" Wendy and Gabriel made there way to the shop and pushed through the door. It was full of men's clothing, but no people. Wendy looked around nervously and called out "hello?"

There was the jingling of a bead curtain hanging over one of the doors and a tall, elegant lady came out.

She wore a splendid white frilly skirt that reached her knees, a deep red top cropped just above her belly button, and a pare of pretty glasses on her chocolate eyes.

"Oh hello darling!" The women stood infront of them and smiled kindly as she welcomed her customers.

"And hello sir. This is Hayley's men's clothing. Is there anything in particular you where looking for?"

"Er..." Gabriel hesitated and brushed a hand through his hair, "would you mind if I used the bathroom?"

The women seemed surprise for a second but she smiled and agin and pointed past the bead curtains, "just over there sir"

He nodded and muttered a quick thank you before he exited through the curtains with a heavy breath.

"Would you like a drink sweetie? We have tea and coffee, maybe a cookie?"

Wendy looked back to the kind women and replied shyly, "do you have water?"

"Of course we do! You want a glass?"

Wendy nodded and the women out a hand onto her blonde hair tied into a loose bun, "I'll go grab if!"

She left the room and left Wendy alone, she looked over her shoulder and noticed for the first time the curtains over the glass of the door, and there was no other way to see out or them see in. Odd.

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