Stupid document

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Going onto the proper streets she pulled out her key for the front door as she pulled up to the front yard gate. Opening and closing it she walked through the garden and unlocked the door. Walking in star looked around through the hall.

"Lily? Mrs Charles?" Star dropped the bag with her keys in it and walked through the house.

"Mama!" Lily came racing down the hall from the living room, "what did you do today at work?"

Star crouched and smiled at her daughter as she picked lily up, "I went to work, sat at my desk and wrote out a few documents, but that's it"

Mrs Charles then looked up from the couch and smiled warmly at star, "ah, star honey. Lily's been wonderful, we played monopoly, Jenga and all the rest, excellent fun!"

Star nodded and smiled kindly to mrs Charles. "Thank you, now you may go home mrs Charles, I can put lily to bed. Unless you want to stay for a cup of tea?"

Mrs Charles waved her hand, "I don't want to keep you from doing your work star, I'll just head on home now" star hugged mrs Charles and walked lily to bed.

"Ok lily, just go straight to sleep, ok?"

"Yes mama!" Lily answered jumping into her pink bed. Infact the whole room was pink.

Star couldn't keep the small smile from creeping onto her face as she leaned down and kissed lily on the forehead.

"I'll take the day off work tomorrow Panther and we can go to the pools and swim. How does that sound?"

Lily's face erupted in excitement at her mothers suggestion and her eyes lightened, "he's! Yes please mama!"

Star stood up straight and waged a finger, "now remember, times goes super fast if you sleep? So if you sleep right away you'll be swimming sooner!"

This seemed to work and lily nodded furiously before throwing the blankets over herself and cuddling into them for comfort as she slept.

Star smiled again and kept the door slightly ajar so the hallway light would stream in in that little crack, allowing lily to see to go to the loo during the night.

Star wondered down the hall, pulling the jumper over her head and throwing it onto a couch.

"It's going to be a long night, I should grab some coffee" she mumbled to herself, a habit she had adopted over years, although she talked with her teammates, before them she had been surrounded by people. And she had talked a lot, but now that was taken from her and so her she was, persuading herself to get a coffee. She managed to win her own argument and retreated to her study with two cups of coffee. It couldn't hurt right?

Star yawned and sat into her chair, kicking the door closed before spinning herself to face the desk where she placed her coffee and her bag that she had grabbed on her way over onto the oaken desktop. She pulled the documents out and dropped the bag onto the floor. She then proceeded to sip her coffee as her eyes scanned over the paper without magical glasses as she had lost them awhile ago and couldn't be bothered to buy more.

Name: Jason markson

Born: 767, 7th, July

ID no#: 1639 268

Hair: bleach blonde

Eyes: maroon

Wife: Sandra hail (divorced)

Son(s): Jeremy, hotchner

Daughter(s): Mia

Father: Harry Markson

Mother: Gabrielle Markson

Alliances: Ghost gang


was taken hostage on 16th may 788. Traveling with Richard Barks down Jonathan lane. Captured by fairytail mages Salamander, Titania, and Ice Mage.


We where walking down the lane when we where attacked by three mages with pink, red and dark hair. They threatened us and we fought them. However I ran when the pink haired one breathed fire at me. I left my partner because he was the Mage and I wasn't interested in saving another random dog. When I looked back I saw the red head knock him out cold and they brought him away to a private hotel named the Aquarium. That's all I saw and all I did.

Incident witnessed and written by richard barks.

Star finished the document and groaned, they was nearly no information, but the aquarium. She knew that hotel, Infact she knew it like the back of her hand. She then groaned again from lack of sleep and exhaustion, she was a morning person, not a night person. Star pushed the documents away from herself and pulled the last half of her second coffee towards her. She stared into the dark liquid and unconsciously she pulled the documents open and scribbled over the words.

Salamander, Titania, and Ice Mage

Replacing them with: natsu dragneel, Erza scarlet and gray fullbuster. She never realised what she was doing but she then sighed and let her head hit the desk and after five minted she sat up lazily, downed the coffee and stumbled to her bed. She collapsed and didnt bother to snuggle under the quilt, she was out in seconds.

Star hummed as she swam in an endless ocean, the sun began to set and it turned thick, and blood red. The screams surrounded her and she found herself laying in a paddle of her own blood, she stood and looked down. Her body lay beaten and bruised on a rough cobble floor, slotting all but gone. She yelled out and looked down at where her hands should have been, they where so transparent she was sure she was almost invisible. She whipped her head from side to side as the mangled screams started to sound more like calls of help. Then a distinct. "Leave her alone! I'm coming!" Star tried to escape through a door but when it opened she was in a guild. Mages ran past, young little kids, pink hair, dark hair, and even red and white hair. They ran past and when star knocked into a women the glass began to fall. It stopped halfway and moved in slow mode, so did everything else. She gripped her head and shook with all her might, screaming.

"Hello?" She stopped and looked up, finding herself in an apartment. "Who's here?"

Star turned, however she could feel a dress hit her ankles, her hair wasn't up with her blue tie.


Star bolted upright, breathing heavily and a drop of sweat fell down and hit her hand.

"Mama?" Little lily opened the door slowly and star whipped at her eyes, ridding of her sleep and dream tears. "Are you ok mama?"

Star smiled brightly and in turn lily did, "I'm fine, now let's have pancakes and get dressed for the pools" lily squealed and ran through the house before slamming her door in excitement. Star dressed into a bakini, still young enough to attract the young man's eyes occasionally and the older ones. They where a fiery red with frills and orange, red flames licking the sides.

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