A meeting

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"are you ready Lily?" Star called through the house as she pulled a dress over her head and grabbed a large light blue towel.

"yes mama!"

Star didnt bother to put up her hair as she and lily left the house with towels in hand. She knew no one would even second glance her, no one really knew what the Golden Star looked like, and they didn't actually know her name. So she used her real name to live a relatively normal life. Although she didn't have normal friends and she didn't hang out with friends at cafés the only times she really met with the other leaders,Cher only friends was over work. And if they met in a public place they would all be in disguises and using fake names, not to mention it would be for work aswell.

Star didnt think it was the correct way to bring lily up, not in that sort of in kroner, she didn't trust the dogs, some where criminals done in for crimes of differing penalties and violence. The only people she allowed lily to see where the leaders, and she was still cautious with them, not letting lily stay around with them a lot was another way of star protecting her. However she couldn't seem to pry axel and lily apart, they got on rather well and so star made an exception and allowed axel to see lily mostly, or when he could.

Star left her thoughts and glanced down at lily, who was holding her hand and skipping happily in her things and one piece bathing suit. Stars eyes went soft and lax, she felt calm and at ease, she never expected what was about to happen.


After bringing lily home, star decided although it was dark now and all those low life small time gangs would be out, and the drunk ass wholes. That she would go and down a few donuts (very alcoholic drink) it was around this time the ghost gang had found her, when they saved her. And although her memory before that was hazy and missing parts, she still remembered most things.

A young boy, her bestfriend he had unusual pink hair and was bashful, commonly augeuing with a face she couldn't remember.

Dark hair, dark eyes and no top, that was all she remembered about that guy. And how they both shivered and bowed to another women.

She was strong, star recalled, she was feared by the two boys and star herself, she had red hair and wore armour, but that was it.

Faces and details where gone, there where other snippets, Fairytail sign stuff like that. Star rubbed her head and sighed, her headache coming on, she just needed to down the donuts and head back home where she would sleep and wake at 7 to help lily with stuff before going back to bed.

Star walked with posture down the road, wearing her usual blue dress, her hair up as normal the way she liked it all. She knew she looked pretty and like a non magic woman, but she wouldn't keep that image the moment she was stood up.

Four men stepped out from the shadows of the pub and stood in stars way, grinning like little boys about to he given candy.


Natsu had his hands on the back of his head, whistling. He was doing his best to ignore the whole, lucy anniversary thingy, and the star person looking thine her... He just wanted to go on over to lisanna, she would help him get this out if his head.

He wandered casually down the road, heading for the hotel, since Gabriel had been taken they had been kicked out of the house and so they booked for a hotel, paying each night because they didn't know how long they would be there.

Natsu rounded a corner and stopped when he saw a beautiful blonde woman in a blue dress, confronted by four men infront of a pub. And he heard a heated argument.

"We know who you are sweety, so why don't you just come with us"

"Listen I know you want a decent dressed person to help you into the bar because or clothes are so shitty, but I'm not an animal unlike you, so I'm not going to allow you in. Because as you can see there's a no pets sign there"

Ouch,.. Natsu winced.

"Come on little lady, where not thy and and we just need to talk"

"One, I'm not little. Two, whatever your trying to do isn't working. And finally, if talking means me cutting you up into little bits of food for my dogs,the. He's we need to talk. But otherwise I would like to get last"

As the argument got worse natsu watched with with amusement, he really wanted to know how this ended, would the guys or the girl win?

"We know you have a daughter, and that you where ra-" natsu's eyes widen at this and apparently the blonde women reacted far worse. Suddenly hit with the blade of her hand, a nerve on his neck, the man dropped to the ground out cold. The others moved in and the blonde dropped all of them, natsu watched pure amazement as she snatched one up by the collar.

"Listen here buddy, all I wanted was to go to the bar, have a few drinks, get completely drunk and the. Head home where I could sleep off my hangover. Ok? I think I can ask the world one favour after what it's done to me, ok? But now I can't go, and now your going to do me the favour of answering a few questions... I sure my colleges would love to know how you got your dirty hands on my background!"

Natsu brought his hands down from behind his head at her words and his jaw dropped, she still wasn't facing him but suddenly something seemed familiar about her. He found himself feeling secure and soft in this girls presence, as if he could tell her his secrets and hold her close, even laugh along with her right now. However, he refused to admit what was in his pounding heart, she looked nearly identical to lucy, the blonde hair, the curvs and figure. But without seeing her face it just wasn't possible to clarify. And he didn't have the chance to check for just as he was about to confront her a black car with tinted glass pulled up, a man with white hair stepped out and assisted the blonde with the man and they chucked him the the back. The door was slammed as natsu decided it was enough and he would stop this before it got out of hand. However the two people jumped into the car and it sped off into the distance just as he reached a meter from the door.


Natsu went back to the hotel as quickly as possible, he needed to tell the others what he had just witnesses, and he thought he may have some information they could use.

Use for what? His voice asked himself, that girl down there was just a young rich kid who wanted to sought out a out of line servant or something

I gulp, I was not prepared to admit to the hunch, well more like the facts I knew in my heart. I ignored it, I simply couldn't acknowledge anything it tried to tell me, no way.

"Hey guys!" I shout as I crash through the door, the others look at me with curious and grumpy faces.

"Couldn't you just walk in here normally ashbrain?"

Natsu ignored the insult and jumped straight into his story, facing the leader of the team, Erza and his eyes flickered to levy, knowing she was the tactician.

After explaining the events with detail he cuaght his breath and there was silent before gajeel spoke up.

"Well shrimp?"

Levy gulped, and lisanna grabbed natsu's hand and gave it a squeeze for comfort.

"I do believe natsu witnessed star drive off with a hostage and another leader"

"So natsu saw star? That woman who looks like lucy?" Lisanna wandered out loud.

"Precisely" Erza answered.

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