"Hi, how can I help you?" one of the employees asked.

"I'm picking up an order for Sara Patterson," I replied, walking up to the counter. The employee, whose name tag read Ella, typed something into the iPad in front of her.

"You had three cupcakes, two with 'bridesmaid?' and one with 'maid of honor?' written on them, is that correct?" Ella asked.

"That's correct," I answered.

"I'll be right back with them."

Ella disappeared to somewhere behind the counter and returned moments later with a small pink box containing the cupcakes. She rang them up and I paid for them. I left the shop and went back to the car. I put the box in the back seat and walked around to the driver's seat. I got in, buckled my seat belt, and started the car.

"So, where are we going to lunch?" Gemma asked, breaking the silence.

"This little Mexican restaurant that Harry and I found," I replied. "It's delicious."

"Oh, I love Mexican food!"

"This place is amazing. You'll love it."

Within thirty minutes I was pulling up to the restaurant. Gemma carried the box of cupcakes while I carried Elizabeth in her carrier. We were seated right away and Madison and Allie arrived shortly after.

"So, I bet you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today," I said, opening the cupcake box. I gave each of them their corresponding cupcake.

"Maid of honor?" Madison asked, her eyes tearing up. "Sara, I'd be absolutely honored."

"I'd love to be your bridesmaid, Sara," Gemma said, smiling.

"Me too!" Allie interjected.

"I love you all," I said sincerely. "I'll call and set up an appointment for the dresses."

"We love you too, and we can't wait for you and Harry to finally get married," Madison replied.

"Amen to that," Gemma teased. We all laughed and I rolled my eyes. To be honest, I was ready to marry Harry after about a year and a half of dating. I'd always known that he was the one for me. It was a great feeling to know that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

While we ate our food, everyone passed Elizabeth around and took turns holding her. Allie really didn't want to give her up.

"She's my niece, too, you know," Gemma argued.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Allie sighed, giving Elizabeth to Gemma. She smirked, earning an eye roll from Allie. I laughed and shook my head at them both.

I felt very blessed to have Gemma, Allie, and Madison in my life. Allie and I weren't as close when we were younger, and I didn't really come around after I moved out. But once I cleaned up my life and started visiting more, we grew closer. Gemma wasn't very fond of me when we first met, but I don't really blame her. I am glad that we were able to get past that and become close.

Madison had been my best friend since her first day at our elementary school. We were seven. I was chubby as a kid, and some of the other kids picked on me for it. Madison was the one who stood up for me. She'd been standing up for me and by me ever since.

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