Chapter Two- You have no idea...

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

The New Chapter: Chapter 2: You Have no idea

"What are you two up to? Another 'sisterly quarrel'?" she teased.

I appreciated her attempt to be funny but a 'sisterly quarrel' wasn't even the half of what was going on. At least with my sister she would explain why she started the argument no matter how nonsensical the reason was. If Kayla was having a bad day, the slightest thing I would do wrong would make her blow up at me.

But Kayla and I aren't really sisters although we have often been referred to as such since we are practically joined at the hip... or we used to be. We were around each other so often that people would get our names confused. She didn't always think was funny but I found it very amusing for a while.

I sighed,"It's nothing."Trying to shrug off the subject. I wipe a piece of hair out of my face that had been bothering me and take a sip of my strawberry lemonade which is my absolute favorite drink.

I do not want anymore drama today so there is no use bringing Aria into this or continuing the conversation. Knowing Aria, she would just try to make everything better and in the process possibly make things more awkward. I pat the seat down next to me gesturing for Aria to sit down as she was still staring at us. I couldn't help but feel awkward and embarrassed. Can't I just leave or something and say that I need to study in the library when in reality I will just be dying of humiliation like a hot mess in the bathroom? I may not be a Grammy winner but I can put up a decent face and say but so much so that they wont be suspicious.

Again Aria looks from me to Kayla and back to me again then pretty much crashes into the seat next to me. I give her a grateful look as she was turning to eat her food. I knew she could tell something was up but probably sensed the tense air between us and she didn't wish to make it worse- thank God.

"So..." I exhaled, trying to change the subject and shake off my nerves. " What's up on planet Aria?" I teased. Her face remains placid though i see a twitch in the corner of her lips.

Ha, hit a nerve! I love messing with her.

She turns toward me trying to keep a straight face,"Ceiling fan." Then i heard a guffaw spring from her mouth. She cracks herself up.

Luckily her laugh is contagious so now she has me laughing , forgetting the event that ensued not even a two minutes ago. I glance over in Kayla's direction and she looks pissed. 

Why is she pissed? I shoud be pissed.

Kayla jolts up from her seat in a prissy manner and excuses herself from the table. What is wrong with her? Lost her appetite after shredding my heart and pride into mini bits and pieces?....poor thing(notice the sarcasm). Oh if I didn't have half a mind right now I'd pull those fake highlights right out of her skull but she's not worth it...and neither is detention.

Aria doesn't say anything though she does stop laughing enough to mumble 'see ya' to Kayla and return to her massive plate of food. Dang that girl can eat even though she is thin, mus be a fast metabolism- that and she plays a lot of sports. Just as I was about to presume eating as well, Mirra Richards arrives to our table. She is a good friend of ours but I don't see her as often as Aria besides at school.

Our whole group has always sat together during lunch. Its not like we are a click or anything but we know each others good points and faults and are still close. We just get each other and support one another. Kayla is just a whole different story now and I don't even know what is up with her. Frankly, right now I am just too confused and tired to care. All I do know is that I will be wanting some answers sooner rather than later.

"Hey Mirra, what's up? Sit here." I suggest, pointing to the seat were Kayla was sitting before she stormed out like a silent version of the wicked witch of the west after trying to get her ruby red slippers from Dorothy. In this case Kayla was probably trying to get my pride and could have succeeded if Aria hadn't' shown up.

Mirra plops down her AP Chemistry book on the table and sits back in her seat with her arms crossed. She lets out a deep breathe before responding. "Life is whats up. What idiot convinced me to take honors classes, namely AP Chem?" She rubs her hand on her head, obviously stressed out.

"You." Aria and I retort in unison as we resume to take the next bite of our food.

"Oh, that's right! Because I am a freaking idiot! We are learning about chemical bonding and molecular structure... the least the teacher could do is make it interesting but his voice just carries on and on and on. And you guys wonder why I am so lethargic after that class. Its because I'm already in REM sleep halfway through the class." I could just feel the frustration she is giving out right now.

"Are you alright Mirra, you seem to be in a lot of stress more so recently." I said with genuine concern.

"No freaking dip Sherlock. You should win an award for pointing out the obvious." Aria said sarcastically with a hint of playfulness in her tone. I just wave a hand in her face and dismiss that comment. We always mess with each other like that so it didn't bother me.

"Yeah, I guess its pretty obvious. I am just so tired recently because of school and dance. Then there is my addiction to reading and writing...I read until three in the a.m then once I get to sleep I wake up an hour later with an idea for a story. If I don't write it down right away I just know I'll forget it. Its hard to balance everything, you know?" Mirra leans forward and puts her head in her hands.

"Yep, you've got a serious problem..."

"Aria!" I snarl at Aria for her lack of empathy for Mirra's situation.

"Well, Its true! I've been down this bumpy road before. When I was writing that short story for our creative writing class, I got so into it that I could barely eat or sleep until it was finished. If I got an idea walking down the hallway then I would immediately pull out my handy dandy notebook. And when I was stuck I would call you guys in the middle of the night, remember?" Yeah, I remember all too well...couldn't sleep myself for a couple nights there.

"Handy Dandy?" Mirra jokes, rising her head up and giving Aria an 'are you serious?' look. We all laugh and continue on eating our food in pleasant silence except for Mirra who is leaning her head on her left arm. It was an entertaining sight I must say, with her curly blond hair falling across her face like she just got out of bed.

Having Aria and Mirra here almost helped me forget what happened here with Kayla, almost. At least I am not at the point of crying my eyes out anymore. Now I just want answers and I plan to get them once school is out for the day. For now I am just going to pretend nothing happened and enjoy what is left of my lunch break...And the bell rings. So much for enjoying my lunch...


** A/N: Hey guys! Thanks a ton for reading this! Its one of my first stories to be posting on Wattpad so bear with me here. If you have any questions, comments (concerns?) the you can message me, comment below or use whatever method of contacting that suits you. For any grammatical errors I so deeply apologize. After I finish the story I will make sure to thoroughly go over it again. And also, the chapters will probably get longer as I go since I haven't figured out how I want to space out my story quite yet...... Yet again, bear with me. ENJOY :)

p.s I'm also working on a fantasy/ romance/ mystery so if you like this you should definitely check that out but if not then that's cool- I do what I want to ;)

~Butterscotch and Blueberries <3


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