Chapter One- What Just Happened?

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

The New Chapter: Chapter 1- What Just Happened?

No, I'm not the prettiest or most outgoing teenager out there and I am certainly not perfect. I personally don't believe anyone should be expected to be perfect. I am just me and me is...well, me.

A while back I couldnt even answer simple questions like, "who are you?" or, "what do you want in life/ what is your plan?" I believe I was just blindly following amoung a crowd of people going somewhere, yet not knowing the destination, you know? Sometimes, I had felt completely alone in the world even when my mom would tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks that way. It just made me feel lonelier; like, where are these people you speak of?

There comes a point in life were something unexpected wakes you up from the daze that you have been in, and makes you realize how much precious time you have wasted.

That happened to me...

Kayla Harrison and I go back to fifth grade: when she first step foot into this school then into my life. We didn't get along at first, not at all. She even got suspended for making me cry only after her third day. In my defense, back then I was a crybaby, crying at the slightest thing gone wrong. I have grown up now but that is not the point. The point is that I forgave what she said because technically she didn't say anything to my face, Aria Frankfort did.

Aria is my other friend and we are pretty close...but I will get to her later. I still don't know to this day if what Kayla had said about me then was true, though I do know that she didn't like me. Back then I was determined to get her to like me, for a reason that wasnt even apparent to me.

Anyway, gradually Kayla and I became friends, even best friends when realizing we had a lot more in common than we thought. I didn't notice it at the time but it was apparent that she was always in competition with me, insisting that she was always right and I wrong and I did not care because I enjoyed having her around. I depended on her for being my friend, I relied on her for being there for me and I opened up to her what I would've never to anyone else. That was my down fall.

In the beginning of ninth grade we were still friends. Hanging out during school, calling each other on the phone for no reason and having sleepovers every weekend like any other best friends would. But, for some reason, everything between us felt different somehow. I usually would shrug it off as pms or something because things like this had happened before and we would come back from it better then ever. I can usually tell when we are suffocating each other and need time to 'cool off'.

Basically this is a period of time were we don't talk much (now that I think about it..that's not normal) and it only lasts at most a day or two but this time is different. She hadn't talked to me for a week and I could take the hint that she was ignoring me. But, why? Why was she doing this? I needed answers and the only way to do that was to confront her about it.


"What's been up with you lately? You seem very distant." I ask bluntly, she just stairs at me like I'm speaking some foreign language. We are currently sitting at the lunch table, waiting for the rest of our friends to arrive, which I thought was the perfect time to ask.

She doesn't respond...

I continue. "It's just that you have been distant recently and I want to know what's going on. Is something wrong?" I inquired. She stops eating and looks at me, almost like she is looking at me with disgust. "Nothing is wrong." She replies monotonously.

"Obviously." I say sarcastically. I'm seriously getting annoyed with her right now. What's the deal with her? Earlier this week we were laughing, planning on shopping this weekend and talking like we normally do and now, now she's acting like a stranger. She is acting like the girl I met in fifth grade and it scares me.

I don't know why, but I guess the look in her eyes was just pissing me off.

"Look, if you don't want to be friends any more than just say it!" I snapped.

I wanted to know the answer and yet I didn't want to hear it, afraid of what the answer might be. She just sat there for a moment with no emotion on her face. I have seen that look before, that sharp look in her dark brown eyes; it means she is a bad mood.

I liked to call it the ice queen expression because the look really pierced through you like a sharp fragment of ice. Kayla adjusted her posture and rubbed her hands together, indicating she was finished with her food. She moves her long brown hair slightly to show her full face and crosses her arms. Her intense gaze never moved from mine.

"Are you sure you want to hear the answer to that, Ciara?" she retorts, her voice cutting through me like a knife. I nod, suppressing a gulp coming from inside me, sometimes she can scare the crap out of me and she knows it. She would always take pride in how well she could hide her emotions and intimidate people.

"Okay." she pauses. "I don't want to be friends with you anymore." her words held no emotion and they were sharp like little swords that hit me with every syllable.

I'm surprised I didn't collapse at that point. I'm also surprised that I didn't respond, even the slightest. I just sat there like a bumbling idiot, staring at her with a shocked and I'll bet stupid look on my face. I can't even stomach this right now.

That build that I had a few moments ago has now completely depleted and I feel like mush...I want to stay strong but I just can't. I'm trying to resist the urge to cry, to just run out of the cafeteria to the bathroom and burst into tears whilst in the fetal position. Did I really just lose my best friend of four years in a matter of seconds? And just as I was about to excuse myself to find refuge in the toilet, I saw Aria Frankfort approaching the table along with Mandy Richards not too far behind her.

"Hey guys!" Aria chirped. She always had a way of lightening the mood with her positive attitude so I guess I will stay and see how this plays out. Who knows, maybe she might save me from this bottomless pit of hell I was falling into because of Kayla.

Aria sets her tray down on the table and before she sits down glances from me to Kayla and back to me.

"Am I missing something here?" She inquired.

You have no idea...


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