Chapter Ten- Torn

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

** A/N:Hey guys! So I finally posted a new chapter of The New Chapter (see what I did there?) Anyways, so you guys probably think that I dropped off the face of the earth or something since I barely ever post. Exams sort of tore me away from everything but don't worry- its all over (YAY SUMMER) now I plan to write at least one chapter per week, or more. Also, let me know if you guys think my chapters are to short or if you think the story lines falling flat or characters that you want to see more of, etc.. Ill take whatever you say into consideration :)

Chapter Ten: Torn

See you tomorrow :) - Colby

What am I supposed to say to that?


I can see it now-

1)Colby comes to pick me up before school.

2)Colby arrives in the middle of school and disrupts one of my classes. (Probably with and excuse like - I have temporary amnesia and Ciara is the only one who can help me so she can get out of class early today- I have an over active imagination..)

3)Or...oh I see.. 

-The football game... He's the quarterback for Lakemount High which we play tomorrow

"He wants to get in your pants." Karsy says blatantly as she tosses her slice of pizza back in the box. She came over because "she felt like it" at about midnight and decided to order pizza and play video games. She was, of course, playing her all time favorite Xbox game, Dishonored, which she gave her undecided attention to. This game is like Call of Duty but with magic and instead of two people, it's just one as an it violent you ask? Duh... As if reading my mind she adds, "Now I know what you are thinking and I am not obsessed."

I scoff, "I didn't say anything...but the fact that you say you aren't proves that you are."

Her face contorts and I laugh, "That...doesn't...make...oh whatever."

I Fall back on my bed lazily and stretch to grab a bag of extra cheddar goldfish and a jar of peanut butter. (And yes, I pig out with a friend over and have weird taste buds..go ahead-judge me).

After eating a handful of cheesy fish shaped deliciousness and a spoonful of magical peanut creaminess I turn towards Karsy who was engrossed in the video game.

I clear my throat to get her attention, "um, earth to planet Kars."

She throws her hands up and grunts in exasperation, "you made me die, damn you."

"You need to ease up on the violence there Karsy. I swear you are two people sometimes." I tease.

She scoots off the floor and onto the edge of the bed and sits Indian style, "yeah my mom says I'm like a girly gamer..." She trails off, "So what about Ethan? He's not in the picture anymore right?"

I shrug, "There's not much to say...he doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. I don't think I even want anyone in the picture. I've been hurt so many times by the people I care about and then there's Colby who was once in my life then left and shows up out of nowhere-"

She cuts me off,"And you don't know if you can trust anyone because you're afraid they might have an ulterior motive."

I nod in agreement, "exactly."

"I understand- I've been there... We all know how much of an ass my father is. The only thing is that I feel like you should give Colby a chance. He really doesn't seem like the guy you once knew, and he seems to genuinely like you."

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