Chapter Eight- A Turn of Events

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013,All Rights Reserved


Chapter Eight: A Turn of Events

Oh what have I gotten myself into?....

"It's easy beach, you just have to trust the girls who are lifting you up. You already know how to do the rest so it should be a piece of cake."

I look over to Karsy who is now gulping down a large bottle of water before hoisting herself up on the balance beam. As for me, I am about to be thrown into midair to do a flip and land into the arms of complete strangers...yeah, I'm not doing so well.

"I don't see why I have to be a flyer Kars, I could tumble...maybe just stand there and clap."

"It will be just fine, you have nothing to worry about. You are the only one I know of with enough technique to do this. Besides, you are the beautiful flyer and as for me, I am the sexual base." she shoots a grin in my direction just before she dismounts off the beam into a clean landing. I'll have to admit I was a little impressed.

I roll my eyes, "Wow, narcissistic much?"

She bows, "Would you have me any other way?"

"I can think of quite a few ways.", I tease.

"Ouch!" She feigns hurt, "now get up off your lazy butt and fly."

"You don't hear that said to you every day."

She giggle, "Get used to it."

I'll have to admit, it was pretty exhilarating being up in the air on my own, even for a few moments. At first I thought cheerleading was just for the stuck-ups, populars, and/or wannabes but in reality, sometimes its just something to be a part of and to just be free to have fun in. For me it was a chance to me myself or rather, find myself.

After practicing at the gym, Karsy and I went off to eat dinner at Pablo's Pizza Cafe. We used to go here all the time a couple years back before she moved and I hadn't come here since. From the looks of it, nothing much has changed. As you walk in you are overwhelmed with the send of burnt cheese and cedar wood. There is a hostess stand at the front with a bar in the center of the room. The peculiar thing about this place is not the food but more the seating arrangement. There are short round tables surrounded by fluffy caramel colored bean bag chairs. There are also three fire places that we always choose to sit by. To me this place is the most comfortable home setting for a restaurant.

A huge guilty smirk gleams across Karsy's face, "I know that look, what did you do?" I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms to try and look intimidating but all it got me was excessive chuckling from her.

"I didn't do anything." She throws her hands up in mock surrender, "Jake did."

Jake Jefferson is Karsy's boyfriend, they have been together for two years now and surprisingly kept up a long distance relationship while she was gone. Though, I had my doubts about him at first, they are practically meant for each other and he treats her like a spoiled little...anyway...sometimes he can't help but giving her the world if he could- he can also be quite devious, like his girlfriend.

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