Bonus Chapter

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Years later..

"Will she be okay? I don't know I'm so nervous..should I pray to god or something? Will it hurt? Will----"

Suddenly the crying of a baby could be heard. My eyes lightened up as well as the person beside me stared at me in shock.

"Is.. is it?" He asked me, not believing the sound himself.

"Yes you idiot. It's your child!!" I hugged him tightly as he picked me up in happiness.

Chris came up behind me "Slowly now Jake. She's to be handled with care..."

Jake gave me a sheepish grin. Putting me down slowly he rushed off towards the operation theatre room probably to see his kid.

And to clear the confusion.. Yes. It was Rosalie and Jake's 3rd kid. But he's so sensitive that even if it was the third time they were having kids, he behaved like the 1st time. All panicked and cautious.

It was years now.

Everything was perfect.
After that massacre in our lives, everything started falling back into places. My friends and I completed our graduation with flying colours.
Soon after that mom and dad went to their second "honeymoon"--- cue the facepalm-- and sparks ignited between Doris and Nathan or as we called him Nate.

Adrian and Alice went to Italy for their college together. Whereas I, Rose, Jake and Chris stayed here for college. I did major in English and was now happily teaching in my own school as the English professor.

Chris did civil engineering--- yeah yeah I know. The guy's got brains like Einstein, ---- and later he quit his job only to take over Doris's position as head in the blackwood securities.

Doris and Nate got married and she willingly quit her job saying.. "Just wanna enjoy my life with this hunk. I've had enough of this violence."
The day after their marriage she barged into Chris's house and threw him her badge, a contract and list of instructions about how to control the network of securities in all over the state.

He was thrilled to get that job. After all he never was the one to just quietly sit and listen to orders of his senior.

"It's a girl!!!!" I saw Jake jumping like a 5 year old even when he was 35 or so. "Finally! I got my princess."

"Damn I never thought the player of our school would turn out to be such an adorable father."

I turned around to see Adrian sighing at his friend whereas Alice came running to me with her kids.

"Aunty Kota!" Julian the youngest of the siblings crashed onto my legs for his dear life.

I chuckled and picked up the 6 year old boy. He had my brother's looks and Alice's innocence. No doubt that in future he was going to break hearts of so many girls.

I kissed his cheek and he happily pecked my nose.

"Uncle Chris!" Alicia the oldest of the three siblings hugged him. She was 16 years old and in the second last year of her high school.
She was the exact copy of Alice. I mean you can say, that Alice was reborn in her.

I put Julian down and hugged my brother.
"I missed you." I said burying my head onto his shoulders.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me back. "Missed you too sister."

Adrian and Alice didn't stay here. They had their own house at Seatle as my brother was the head of the music company my father built. He retired and gave that responsibility to Adrian knowing he could handle it very well. Alice had her own Salon and spa which was very famous for its cheap price but high quality things.

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