He's Gone

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Dakota's pov

"What are you doing?" my mom asked me from behind.

"Punching the bag?" I said rolling my eyes.

We were at the gym. According to mom my fight was good, but it lacked technique. I was being reckless and let my anger control the best of me. So now she was in full training mood and was totally acting like my mentor.

"You know that's not how I showed it. " she said scolding me.

"Mom I'm just doing my own thing..." I groaned.

She just stared at me while I kept punching the bag. Sweat trickled down my forehead and neck as I concentrated on my work.

"Stop. "

I paused and looked at my mother.

"Your moves are very predictable. If you want to defeat someone, make your moves unpredictable and strong. Even if it's a blow to the chest it should be full of power and strength. Mix things up. Do a three punch combo and add a round kick." she said ; "And try to breathe with each strike."

I nodded my head and followed her instructions. I did a three punch combo and added a round kick to the punching back making it move only by a little.

"Breathe.. " she kept on saying.

I tried the same thing again but got the same result.

"You aren't breathing-"

"I am breathing! " I said agitated. "This bag weighs a frigging ton!"

She shook her head as she positioned herself. She threw the first punch, the second punch and the third punch followed by a kick and the bag flew to the other side touching the wall.

I gaped at her.

Even in this age she was tremendously strong.

"With each strike you breathe. If you're losing control while punching just a bag, how will you keep your control when you're actually fighting someone? You're so busy taking all out on the bag that you forget to breathe and your kick doesn't contain any power!" she scolded me.

I nodded my head and started practising again.


After practising for over hours, my body hurt and I was totally exhausted. My mom came towards me with a water bottle and gave it to me as I panted.

"Here. " she said softly.

I gladly took the bottle and drank down half of its contents.

"Mom.. You're so good at this. Why did you do counseling when you could easily open up your gym centre and train students? I mean you are no less than a professional!" I said smiling widely.

She chuckled. "Your father would've never allowed it and frankly it never crossed my mind. By the way I'm sorry if I was too harsh on you today.. It's just when I'm teaching you, I can't help but be strict.."

I hugged her.

"Mom you are not only my best friend but also my mentor and I would never expect softness from you while I'm training. It's your duty to be strict and make me learn stuff. " I said smiling.

She smiled back.

"Com'on let's go back home."

After we reached home, I straight went upstairs and got into the shower. I reeked of sweat. Today's training really wore me out. I heard the door to my room open and Adrian calling me.

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