|Ezio Audiotore| [#26]

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@BloodPoisoning   here is your part two! Sorry, it took so long for me to write this. Thanks for reading, love Y'all.  School was crazy as hell last year! And I'm now just getting back onto wattpad, so expect more out of me loves!

P A R T   T W O

 R  E  C  A  P  :

"Should anyone here present know of ANY reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." You gnawed at your bottom lip before you heard someone yell out your name. You turned to see Giovanni on the ground with a pierced throat while you looked around. You placed your hand over your mouth before running out of the church. You didn't care that your dress was stained with Giovanni's blood. You got weird stares by the people of Roma as you ran away from the bloody scene. You carried parts of your blood-stained dress (considering it caused to trip a few times before) once you were outside, you looked around for a few moments until you finally started running again. You cut through an alleyway while you sat in the dark of Roma's night. You slid down the wall and breathed out while looking up at the night sky. You ripped the hood off of your head and ran your fingers through your hair while you tried to calm yourself down. As you sat there alone in the dark you heard someone call out your name and some other things too. You didn't feel like listening to anyone who thought that forcing into the house again so would make you 'safe'. You were safer out here on your own rather than being with him.

"Bella!" Your head snapped in the direction of Ezio's voice you looked behind you before going over to him. He smiled at you, but you weren't too happy to see him. He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off by slapping him.

"Why would you kill him?!" You growled at him while he stood there stunned. You were about to do it again but he grabbed your wrist softly and made you look up at him.

"You're no better than him, Ezio. Giovanni wasn't going to hurt me! Why'd you have to kill him! "You banged your fist against his chest. He placed his hand over your mouth when he heard footstep and yelling. You looked behind you to see your brother with a group of guards following behind him. You let another shaky breath escape your lips and you looked at Ezio with glazed over eyes before you clenched your fists.

"Go, I don't ever want to see you again. I see why Cesare doesn't like your kind. " You partially lied, you knew he wouldn't have any time to run with you considering you were stuck in a wedding dress, even though you were furious with him, you couldn't allow him to die because of you. You believed that you weren't as strong as him. But, you were infuriated with him at how he could just kill someone like that! Why would he do it! But you knew the answer and it was for you. You didn't want to be with a man who did something like even if you loved him dearly. You let a tear fall down your face and he moved to wipe it away but you flinched not want him to touch you. He looked at you searching your face to see if you were lying. You didn't want to give him the time to speak so you ran out of the alleyway and let out a cry for help.

"Cesare, help me! The assassin! l'assassino! " You watch as Ezio eyes widen before he disappeared into the night. Cesare and the group of guards ran up to you while you pointed to the opposite direction of Ezio.

"He went that way, he tried to attack me, fratello... y-you were right, Cesare," You lied while Cesare wrapped his arms around you trying to comfort you. You let tears fall down your face occasionally hiccuping one your cries became loud heartbreaking sobs.

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