//Edward Kenway\\|~7~|

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Tonight, Edward had asked you to accompany him for a drink. The seas had been hectic and as well as your schedules. But once you finally got the chance to sit down with your old friend, you jumped at the chance, even if it was to discuss tactics, you were happy to see him. The two of walked down to the local Tavern. He ordered rum while you ordered whiskey. Normally, you didn't drink, but tonight you were willing to take a few sips in order to loosen up. The two of you brought the bottles up to one another, toasting before you went to drinking. You brought the liquid up to your lips, slightly wincing at the foul taste. 

"What do you suppose, Lass?" He asked while his eyes bore into yours. 

You took the time to notice his crystal blue eyes, you looked away before bringing the bottle back to your lips. You winced once more, as it slid down your throat. You looked at him and shrugged. 

"I suppose," you hiccuped in the middle of your sentence, (this was the exact reason why you hated drinking! You couldn't hold your liquor at all. A few sips and you're ready to topple over!), "that you start leading your crew with an iron fist, Kenway. If they were to be planin' to mutiny you, my dear, wouldn't suspect a thing." He chuckled as he brought his drink up to his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. You went to do the same but you were disappointed to see that there was nothing more to drink.  Edward looked over at you before you waved over the bartender and asked him to bring you some more.  You smiled to yourself thinking of an idea. You bit your bottom lip and winked at the bartender as he walked over to you. 

'Why not have a little bit of fun while seeing if I can make Kenway's skin crawl.' You thought to yourself.

The bartender, now standing in front of you leaned against the counter so now of the two of you were facing one another.

"What will you do, lass, if I get this for you?" He asked while his eyes wandered up and down your body. You smiled slightly as a chuckle escaped your lips. 

"Well, I've been called silver tongue for a reason? Perhaps I could demonstrate." You said purposely not using the word right at all. But he didn't have to know that.  Many people have called you that because you are very persuasive but not just that. One or your punishments you performed on your crew was removing their tongues if they were to lie to you. He smiled back at you before he went to retrieve your drink, you looked over at Kenway, and you smirked at him, his fist clench so tight that his knuckles turned white. You were going to say something but decided not to. Once the bartender came back you reached for the drink before you took it and placed it on the counter. 

"Thank yo-"

"God damn it, come on, [Your Name], we're leaving now!" Edward snarled before he got out of his seat. You then felt someone's arm wrap around your waist you turned around to see it was the bartenders. 

"And if she doesn't want to leave?"He asked. 

'That was a bad move buddy. ' 

You thought to yourself while you watched Edward storm over to the two of you. You stood up and placed your hands on his chest and stared at him. You didn't want to watch this idiot pound someone's face in over you. You placed what you owed by your drink and walked off with Edward.


{On the Beach}

"What the devil is your problem, Kenway?! I was just having a bit of fun!"

"My problem is that prick thinks he can flirt with what's mi-" He cut himself off before he said something he regretted.

"What were you going to say, Kenway?" You said while lowering your voice to an audible whisper. He glared at you before he cursed under his breath. He then got closer to you and crashed his lips onto yours. Which you gladly accepted. He snaked his hands into your hair as he kissed you. A soft moan escaped your lips as he pulled your head back, allowing access to your neck, he placed hot opened mouth kisses along your jaw line before he let go of you.  

"My, My, Kenway! Who knew you'd become so jealous so easily." He simply chuckled under his breath before he picked you up and took you into his arms. He walked the two of you all the way to his ship. Thankfully for the two of you, his crew was still out, being merry and enjoying the time off. Edward opened the door before setting you down and letting you walk into his chambers. You smiled at him before he shut the door behind him. His eyes wandered to your before the two of you walked over to one another, meeting each other half way, his lips crashed onto yours as the two of you began peeling off each other's clothing, he pulled your blouse from over your head before turning you around and undoing your corset. You smiled slightly once he finally got it off. He you turned around once more before placing his hands on your face, softly caressing your cheeks before you leaned in and kissed him. 

"Your move, captain." You mumbled onto his lips as the two of you smiled at one another. 

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