//Arno Dorian\\[#17]

523 12 15

Plot: Considering that you're not native to France, Arno assumes that you can't speak French.

Requested By: bellav173

I smiled at the book I held in my hand, I knew that it wasn't going to help improve my French by me reading a book in English! But I didn't enjoy any of them! And that says something! If I'm not managing my shop I'm usually nose deep in a book. 

Just like now!!

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I looked up quickly nothing the man. My mouth slightly agape at the fact he spoke English. 

"Uh, Hello, um what can I help you with?" I said quickly while stumbling over my words as I placed my book down on the counter. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. I flashed him a smile and he did the same before he removed his hood, his brown hair matched his eyes as he watched me, "So what can I get you?" I asked him while I pulled my sleeves up. He pointed to what he wanted before I quickly got it for him. He gave me a few livres and he then said something in French. 

"Je ne savais pas qu'il y avait beaucoup d'Américains en France. Sans parler de belles femmes." As the heat rushed up to my cheeks I smiled at him before I replied, 

"Merci, monsieur... " His eyes widened in shock as you watched the blood rush up to his cheeks. You smiled and giggled at him before you reached for your book. 

"Parlez-vous français?!" You nodded and smiled.

"Oui, Je parle français et... I speak English." The blush still stained his cheeks as you reached over and placed a kiss on his cheek making the blush even worst. 

"Forgive me for being so bold, Monsieur." You said before you returned to your book and sat down. He went to sit down as well and the whole time he was there the two of you exchanged looks and smiles until you finally got up and engaged in a conversation with him. 

'Hey, I'm getting to practice my French and in the meantime... I'm in the company of him.' The bright smile that you had never faded while the two of you were talking.


I didn't know that there were many Americans in France. Let alone beautiful women.~

~Thank you, sir.~

~You speak French?!~

~Yes, I speak French and... ~ 

[A/N]: How did you like it? Do you want me to continue?

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