Ezio Auditore //Modern AU\\ [#23]

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Six months later...

"E-Ezio! Wait up!" You called out to him before he slowed down before coming to a complete halt, "I should not be beating you to your own apartment, [Your Name]!" He called out to you before you finally caught up to him. You glared at him before he chuckled, "Come on then, you promised we'd watch a few movies before you dragged me to that family dinner of yours." He smiled at you. You nodded before you walked up the stairs together. You opened your apartment door before letting him inside.

"You can place your book bag on the bed, Ezio!" You said as you closed the door behind you. You let out a sigh before you placed your bag down and walked over to the bed. You sat down by Ezio before he chuckled at you, you rolled your eyes at him before you crawled over to him a laid in his lap. He smiled at you before he leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead, "I don't know why you are so hesitant to interact with me, bella, we've been together for three months already."

You felt the heat rush up to your cheeks before smiling slightly, "You know I'm still not used to being around people, Ezio." He nodded before replying, "I know," He said while he sat you up in his lap, making you straddle him. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, you kisses him back feeling your cheeks heating up even more. He smiled into the kiss before you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. You deepened the kiss, which wasn't very common for you, causing him to smile more, it ended up that he fell backward onto the bed leaving you on top of him. The two of you pulled away from one another before laughing.

It's true, after a few months of you and Ezio constantly talking and getting to know one another, he asked you out, of course, you were shocked. But Ezio had taken a liking to your introvertive personality, your smarts, dedication, and as well as your beauty while the two of you got to know one another. Ezio leaned up and kissed your lips before patting your thigh, "Now, which movie would you like to watch?" You shrugged before getting off of him and the bed before walking to your kitchen and quickly grabbing your laptop off of the counter before returning to your bed. You sat down by Ezio before opening it up and logging into your Netflix account.

~~~Three Movies later~~~

You groaned hearing someone call your name.

"[Your Name]... bella donna, wake up..." You groaned once more before rolling over and accidentally falling off of the bed. You heard Ezio chuckle as you rolled on your back, "Why couldn't you have carried me to the car?" You rasped out before slowly sitting up, "You're the only one of us who actually knows where your family lives." You sighed realizing he was right. You stood up reluctantly before dusting yourself off. You dragged your feet across the floor, grabbed your shoes befoe you hopped onto the kitchen counter and proceeded to put on your shoes. You watched as Ezio stood up and trailed over to you, he smiled slightly at you before placing a kiss onto your lips, easing your nerves a bit more. You finished tying your shoes and Ezio helped you down from the counter before the two of you grabbed your jackets, he proceeded out of the door and you quickly grabbed your keys and walked out of the door.


The whole drive to your parent's house was quiet, it wasn't tense or awkward, the whole time while Ezio was driving he had one of his hands intertwined with yours, occasionally giving it a light squeeze if he felt you tense up. After the long drive, you finally pulled up to your parent's house.

You gnawed on your bottom lip while you stepped out of the car, you hated coming back to this place, it's not like you didn't love your family, you just didn't 'fit' in with them so to speak.

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