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Me and Tord were making our way down the long hallways of the army base. I started getting tired, we had already explored 4 floors and each floor was pretty large..

"Hey Tord? How many floors are there exactly?" I looked up at Tord. Yes, he was a little taller than me but not by much.

"Only 3 more floors to go." I groaned loudly out of frustration. I was already worn out! We haven't even taken a single break since we started. We started after breakfast which was around 7 am, it was maybe noon now. Heck.. I still got the rest of the day left and I don't know what time everyone gets off work.

"Toooord, Can we take a break?" I heard him sigh and he slowly looked down at me. He looked pretty worn out himself, like he hasn't been getting much sleep.

"Alright.. We are close to the shooting range anyway. Maybe you could learn a thing or two by watching." You don't know how desperately I wanted to bring up my harpoon shooting skills. I just managed to keep my mouth shut.. Tord can be scary at times and I don't want to be yelled at.

We walked up to a metal door and Tord typed in a code on the key pad. The door slowly opened and I could see many soldiers shooting at some dummies. Once they noticed Tord all of them turned to him and saluted. They all looked over worked and worn out.

"Continue, we are just here to watch." Tord waved his hand dismissively and the soldiers continued like nothing happened. Tord led me over to a bench next to a rack of guns and he yawned. Some of the soldiers gave me a strange look and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Hey Tom?" I leaned back against the back of the bench and grunted in response.

"Why don't you try shooting? It's fun once you get the hang of it and you might need the skill if we are ever attacked by those.. Things."

"It wouldn't be my first time shooting a gun you know." I gave him a small glare. Tord almost looked amused.

"Then how about this. If you can hit more bulls eyes than me within ten bullets, you get the rest of the day off." I grinned. I always enjoyed a challenge, especially against the commie. This would be no biggie!

"I accept your challenge Red Leader." We both stood up and grabbed a gun. A few soldiers stepped out of the way with shocked expressions. I heard a few of them muttering.

"No one has ever challenged Red Leader before.. Except Pau.." I heard one say to a scrawny looking soldier. Pau is that guy I met in the infirmary right?

"Alright Tom, you go first." Tord stepped back and let me take over the show. By now all the soldiers in the room have gathered around, most of them chanting my name as they had just heard Tord say it. They were rooting for me! I grinned and aimed the gun at the dummy. 

The roomed seemed to go quiet and time around me seemed to stop, I took a deep breath to steady my shaking hands and fired. There's one bulls eye. I fired again.. Two. Everyone was watching with excited faces, they wanted me to beat their leader! I fired again this time I ended up blowing the head off the dummy. Everyone erupted into cheering as a few soldiers placed a new one in its place.

I fired again. Three, three bulls eyes! 


Then five. All I need is five more and there is no way for Tord to win! I shot the gun and the bullet hit the second ring. Damn.. I'm to nervous! Don't worry, I can still get nine, that's still hard to beat. I could feel Tord's silver gaze piercing the back of my head.

Five! That's five.. Only four more.




And nine! 

Everyone in the room cheered and chanted my name. I looked back at Tord who had a surprised look on his face, but there was something else. I could see a certain glint in his eyes. Was he proud of me?

To add to the effect I raised the end of the gun to my lips and blew off the smoke. Tord chuckled. 

"Alright, my turn Tommy."

Wait.. Tommy?? Did he just give me a nickname?

"Good luck, commie." I snickered and moved back to let him have his turn.

He started out well, not missing a single shot. He had six so far and I was starting to get worried. I could see Tord was sweating, he must be worried too. He shot again but completely missed! Everyone in the room was shocked and I heard someone whisper. "Red Leader has never missed before.."

He shot again but got it. That was seven, if he gets two more then we would be tied.

Eight.. I found myself hoping he would miss, but deep down part of me wanted him to hit so we would at least tie. He shot and time slowed down, I watched as the bullet slowly hit the target. Nine!

Everyone cheered and Tord walked up to me and held out a hand, I shook it and smirked.

"So, we tied. What now?" Tord chuckled when I asked the question.

"Well, looks like we have to negotiate." He smiled and everyone went silent. "Because I am a nice leader, everyone can take it easy for today. Tom was the first person to challenge me in a long time!" Everyone cheered once again.. I was starting to get a headache but I couldn't help but smile.

Maybe being here won't be such a bad thing after all...

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed this little part :3 Tom and Tord seem to be getting close, maybe they will finally be friends.. Remember I still have some 'special' plans for events that will take place. Before anyone starts commenting 'Lemon!' There is no lemon.. Sowwy :3

Words: 1019

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