Chapter 25: Ships & Stories

Start from the beginning


I'm in chapter 63. I started in chapter 4 by the way. The story made me want to finish it all. But my darn eyes kept closing. My eyes closed after a second.

I hear something.. it's getting near me. I swear I'm gonnaㅡ
I opened my eyes and saw someone looking at me.
"FUDGE!! IT'S A GHOST!!" I shouted and covered myself inside the blanket.

"Y/N, it's me!" I heard Jungkook's voice. I took a peek and saw Jungkook laughing his ass off
"I'm not a ghost! Gosh!" Jungkook continued laughing
"You will be! After I do something with you!" I said and glared at him.

"So you're gonna kill me?!" He waited for my answer
"No! That's illegal! I'm just gonna beat your ass until you breathe no more!" I said and crossed my arms
"Stupid!" I shouted and turn to the other side to avoid him.

"Good night! I'm serious this time!" He went back to sleep.


I looked at the clock. It's going to be 3 am soon.. After Jungkook scared the shit out of me, I didn't feel sleepy or tired. I was actually getting bored staring off to space. I turn around and saw Jungkook asleep. He was serious this time.

I sigh and stand up.
"Augh..." I was a bit dizzy after standing up. I hate when that happens. I walked straight to Jungkook and looked at him.
"The creature looks cute when he sleeps.." I chuckled and looked closer.

I sat down on a chair that is near him. He looks like a bunny.
"Cute~" I said and looked at him.
Wait what did I just said? Ewww!!! No way! I slapped my face while looking at the ground. What cute?! No way! Did I just said that?! Then something caught my eye immediately.

Jungkook's crying? His tears were all over his face. He must be dealing with something. He couldn't hold it in.. I wiped his tears away. It might be a dream. I layed my head on the little space from Jungkook's bed. I fell asleep after that.


I feel something around my waist and I feel warm. But this bed isn't comfortale at all. Wait. This isn't my bed at all but damn! Whose arms are these?! They've been working out! Wait..
I turn around and opened my eyes. A sleeping Creature a.k.a. Jungkook is just inches to my face. My eyes widen and my face began to look like a tomato. Did he.... No.. Yes?...

His arms were wrapped around my waist. It then pulls me closer making my lips inches to his. Is this a dream? Is this even real? No, this is just impossible.
My eyes then looks down on his lips. It formed a smirk making me surprise. Was he awake?

"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" Jungkook said in his morning voice. Gosh so manly! I shake my head to avoid my stinky breathe. I then realize something. My eyes widen.. again. I pushed myself away from him, making me fall on the ground.

"You were! You didn't even realize that my arms are wrapped around you!"
"Shut up!" I stood up and looked at the clock. 9:27 AM..

Jungkook grabbed my arms and pulled me back on the bed.
"Stop it!" I said and glared at him.

"Good morningㅡ" Taehyung walks in with Jimin. Taehyung turns around while Jimin's mouth was wide open.
"Nothing happend!" Jungkook and I said in sync.
"Yeah, okay." Jimin said sarcastically.

"Y/N, thanks for staying at Jungkook's side. Literally." Taehyung said and winks at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone and the blanket.

"Listen creature. None of this happend, understand?" I said and walked out of his room.

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