Chapter 38 | Bad News

Start from the beginning

"I've got it. We can hide in the crowd at the street racing place. No one will suspect us to go there." I said as I slightly beamed with excitement.

"That's a stu—" Keith cut his sister off. "Clever idea. I'll get Derek to arrange something but we can stay there for a while." He said.

I nodded my head in agreement and looked at Bellamy for his opinion. "Just one hour."  He said.

It turned out to be the longest hour of my life. We sat in the small storage room of the pub thanks to the boss guy Keith and Bellamy knew. We had our orders brought to us there, there was no compromising on food. At least not from my part.

Bellamy kept entering and leaving the storage room while Keith stood right outside the door and talked on the phone in a hushed voice.

I was given a not-so-pocket knife to keep. "Slash don't stab," was the instructions I got from Bellamy.

"It's time. Let's go." Bellamy said as he stormed inside for the millionth time. Natasha and I jumped all of a sudden but regained our composure quickly.

As we headed outside there was a lot of panic and chaos. I looked around at the scrambling crowd and then I heard the faint sounds of sirens as the screaming stopped. I was being pushed from all directions and within seconds I lost my hold from Bellamy's hand. After that I completely lost my friends but I kept trying to get to the car.

I wasn't sure if I was yanked or pushed but I ended up in a foreign car. My eyes shut closed as it happened and I peeped through my eyelids when I felt the vehicle move.


I was beyond surprised.

Trace's silky black hair fell on his forehead as he turned his head towards me. He flashed me his dangerous smile and my heart sank deeper.

I was in the passenger seat of his car while he drove. It was just the two of us and I didn't know if that made me more or less scared. I didn't need to check to know if the doors and windows are locked or not. He was always one step ahead, just like he was right now.

The knife was in my right pocket but I was too scared to reach for it. He was too fast and strong for me and I had to use my one chance wisely. Right now wasn't the time, a victorious smirk was plastered on his face and he knew everything was in his favor right now.

"I can't wait to get my hands on you." He said as his eyes wandered my body. "I have a lot planned for us and you can enjoy it if you behave." He said.

I was frozen. Inside and out, my body wasn't responding to anything. I was only breathing and I wish I couldn't. I wish anything would happen to take me away, far away from him.

"I was betting on Keith to out you but looks like we did his sister a lot better." He laughed.

I would punch him but I was frozen. So I blinked, a couple of time before I realized he was serious. But I couldn't trust him, no. Natasha wouldn't ever do that to me and I told him that. "She would never do that to me!"

"But she did, didn't she?" he smirked.

"What do you want from me? I thought it was over!" I yelled.

"It's over when I say it is and you'll find out soon enough. " He said.

But I didn't. I wanted to combust right here because I was too afraid of what he'll do it me. Trace was a psychopath and I couldn't let him torture me.

He frantically drove through the quieter routes of the city. And as we passed a few signs I recognized it as a place near the hospital mom worked at. He took a sharp turn and the side of his car scratched against the wall yet he laughed when he was my scared expression.

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