Through the Years- Allouis

Start from the beginning

I pull my head off the shoulder but keep looking at the sky and I can see another firefly coming out “So I’m not cool anymore? Just because I’ll still be an eighth grader?”

Louis turned on his elbows, looking at me. “That’s not it, Allyson, it’s just… now I wont have anyone to hang out with at lunchtime, or anyone to tell my jokes too, or to laugh with inbetween classes like we usually do. But now, I’ll be in a different school… without you… and that makes me a loser, because I won’t have my best friend with me.”

“Oh Louis… you know what? I’m gonna try to be extra smart this year so that I can skip a grade and be with you. I promise, then we can be together like we usually are.” I say turning to face Louis too.

“You would do that for me?” Louis asks me

“I know you don’t like making friends, and you know I don’t like making friends… so I’ll try, I’ll try for you.”

Louis smiles at me “I love you, Allyson.”

I smile back and Louis and sit up, out of all the people in my life he is the only one I let call me Allyson. “I love you too, Louis.”

Louis jumps over on top of me then, wrapping me in a hug, even though Louis is older than me I’m still a little bit taller, I wrap my arms around his middle and hug him back just as tight. Louis laughter floods my ears and I laugh along with him.

“Wait, Louis, no!” But it’s too late he’s pushed all his body weight on me and now were tumbling in our open space dirt is flooding my open mouth and ears  I close my ears and hold onto Louis closer because we’re moving faster and faster now.

“Stop this Louis!”


“This is ridiculous!”

Finally, Louis pulls us to a stop, he’s still on top of me though, smiling wickedly at me

“See, we’re missing the whole show.” I say squirming under him but he doesn’t budge

“We see it every Friday and I don’t think we’re missing anything we haven’t seen before.”

“Still, there’s a reason we still come out here every single time.”

“I guess,” Louis says, his smile doesn’t stop and he doesn’t get off me.



“Are you gonna get off me?”


“Your mommy and dad will want us back soon.”

“They can wait.”

Silence fills the forest flow even the animals seemed to have stopped speaking in their little languages and didn’t say a thing.

Timed seemed to last forever until Louis above me finally coughed and finally got up off me. “Let’s head back.” And even though it was dark out I could still see the blush covering his cheekbones, I didn’t know why though.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

16 AND 17

“We’re gonna go together right?” I asked Louis we were just leaving the high school after staying after school to work on a school project I was just starting my junior year and Louis was in his senior year, He had grown out his hair and now it almost covers his eyes, I keep telling him he should cut it but he always just rolls his eyes and pushes my shoulder saying it “gets him girls”   

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