I flinched at her words, as they cut deeply into my heart. I knew I cared for him, more than I could even admit to myself. But caring about someone ends up getting you hurt in the end, last night was only one example.

Suddenly, my body shivered, and not entirely from the cold outside. My eyes stung with agony.

“You are going to end up alone if you push every single person that cares for you away. Stop being afraid and let someone in.”

I violently turned to face her on the bench. “I let people in and I just get hurt in the end!” My words were loud, but my voice was weak. I couldn’t help letting my emotions flood out in a big wisp. I was red in the face, taking only minimal breaths. “Every guy I’ve ever trusted has hurt me in the end. Niall is no different.”

“He is!” she through her hands up in extreme frustration. “Even I can see that you two have something special with each other.” I didn’t think I’d ever seen her so mad before. “I didn’t blame you for being upset when dad left us, because he himself was the one to blame. But this time it’s your mistake and you need to go fix it.”

Her sudden mention of dad tore through my entire chest, leaving me gasping for breath. I still held back the tears, but I felt as if someone was strangling me. She saw my pain and guilt flooded her face. She reached to place her hand on my shoulder, and I leaned into her touch.

“I never meant to—I mean... I’m sorry.” she mumbled, her eyes glistening with tears. Dad’s leaving hurt me more than it did her, despite the fact that she knew him for longer. I was more sensitive than her I suppose.

“It’s fine,” I said shakily. We sat in complete and utter silence for a while, until both our emotions returned to normal—or at least what they had been before.

“Go find him.” she said suddenly, leaning away to look at me. “And if he doesn’t listen to you at least you will be able to say you’d tried.”

Be able to say that I tried. I replayed the words in my head many times. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d attempted something without the guarantee that I’d succeed. I usually avoided whatever situation it was if even the slightest doubt was existent. It was the way I had and planned to live for my entire life.

But so far that had gotten me nowhere. I’m now alone, and afraid of anyone who gets too close to me. I pushed them away before I even knew what I was doing, leaving me with a torn heart and low optimism. I knew that for once, I needed to take a risk.

One in a Million (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now