Chapter Thirteen

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“You’re going to have to talk to him eventually.” Lately, those exact words poured out of Morgan’s mouth so frequently, it was almost routine.

On my walk home from my flat, I’d told myself that I wouldn’t tell her what happened between Niall and I. After attempting to dry my tears, and slow my breathing, I knew I would have to do my best to lie, even though my past held no hope. I’d just say we’d mutually agreed to part ways; that it would be better for the both of us. I should have known I would crumble as soon as I’d gotten home to Morgan. Seeing my puffy eyes and tears, she asked me what happened, and the story flew through my lips before I’d even gotten inside the door.

I didn’t often cry, and when I did Morgan knew it was about something big. The most I’d ever cried was four times in one year, and that year was undoubtedly the hardest year I’d ever faced. I refuse on all occasions to ever talk about it, and the only one who knew all of the details was Morgan. The fact that I was able to shed so many tears in one night, proved the fact that I’d become too attached to someone, someone I barely even knew.

A good portion of my night was spent on the couch, while I pathetically stared at the soap operas that glistened on the television screen. I wasn’t really watching the shows; I was more zoned out than anything. Morgan knew not to bother me after she’d heard the entire story.

I’d come close to crying again, but my self-control overpowered the emotions. I somehow convinced myself that a night’s rest would clear my head, but sleeping for a few hours had no effect on my aching chest.

The first sentence out of Morgan’s mouth in the morning was those words. She’d also expressed that sentence in the early and mid-afternoon. I tuned it out, pretending I hadn’t heard her, even though we both knew I had. If Niall was the only thing that she would talk about, then she was in danger for a very silent, one-sided conversation.

She quickly figured out that talking about Niall wasn’t something I wanted to do. She sparked up a regular conversation about special plans for this week bringing a small smile across my face. It didn’t last very long; it was only a minute before she’d brought Niall up again with the same sentence. I ignored it transparently.

The rest of the day we’d spent walking about in the snow, and roaming the relatively busy streets. Unfortunately no matter how many snowballs thrown, Niall never vacated my mind. His icy expression of disbelief and betrayal bounced around in my head, causing me to wince from time to time. I tried to cover up my wild emotions, but I knew Morgan could see through it easily.

Morgan eventually gave up trying to pry her way into my thoughts, as she so often received the same response. Sitting down on a wooden bench, she eyed me suspiciously. “You know what would be lovely?”

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