glass heart | x - xix

Start from the beginning

"... He's dying, Ao."

・・・ xii ・・・

Time stopped at that moment.

All that he could hear was the unsettling steady beat of his heart.




One word echoed.

... 'Dying'?

Ao blinked.

Dad... is...?

-He blinked again.

No. No.

It was impossible.

It was a lie.

A lie.
A lie.
A lie.
A lie.
A lie.

His father, who always wore a stoic expression.

His father, who always seemed too stiff and cold.

His father, who never cared about anything.

His father, who was the only person that Ao wanted to be acknowledged by.

He looked up at Monica's face, waiting for her to say that she was lying.

But instead of a joking grin,
what he saw was an expression filled with pain.

It was clear from that alone.

She wasn't lying.

-She isn't lying.

Ao started to tremble.

He whispered a single word.

"... When?"

・・・ xiii ・・・

Monica answered him.

"Your father... collapsed three days ago," she said. "... He... doesn't have much time left."



She continued, quietly.

"He's bedridden at the moment, Ao," she murmured.

Another brief and uncomfortable silence passed between them.


"He says... He says he wants to see you."

・・・ xiv ・・・

Ao inhaled.

re:Happiness | Cell Phone NovelWhere stories live. Discover now