Chapter 7

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We ran as much as we could when the green orcs started attacking. I had to defend myself so I stayed by Khadgar and we did what mages do. Magically hurt people. I find it funny and nicer to say it that way. We fled when Medivh put up the lightening wall. Anduin was still fighting them off. A little after, I heard him yelling. His son was on the inside of the wall. When i almost left to help, it was too late. The orc killed his son, I wanted to help him. I turned around and jumped on Khadgar's horse. We went to find Medivh and he was past out on a rock from where the wall came from. "We need to get him to Karazhan" Him and Garona left and i chose to stay back with King Llane. We headed back to Stormwind and I went to Khadgar's room. I laid in his bed and slowly fell asleep. I dreamt of a peaceful Azeroth, like before the orcs. Nothing caught fire, everything was normal. Now, we have a enemy an everything is falling apart. The villages were burning and people were dying. I have to help Azeroth, I have to win for the Alliance

Authors Note!
I hope you enjoyed that! When i was a kid, I was scared of orcs and refused to play as an orc while playing WoW lol

Fly on my Little Gryphons💛
May Elune Be with You 💜🌙

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