"Because Chloe, I like having a lot of clothes."

"Okay. Well, mom wanted to see you when you got home."

After thanking her and taking off inside, I looked around the house we were leaving, then finally found her in my room packing up what looked like the last of my stuff. Walking in and taking a seat next to her on the floor, I started putting the folded shirts into the box.

"Hey, we're going to have to set out earlier than I had originally planned. I have to start work tomorrow, and you and Chloe have school."

Rolling my eyes at her sentence and grabbing another shirt, I started packing faster in an attempt to speed things up. My mom was always efficient. Taking care of things as quickly as she could. I shouldn't have been surprised I was already in school, but I was still amazed how she always managed to get everything put together.

It only took us another ten minutes to get everything in the truck and finally set off on the road. Mom decided to take my car because hers' was already at our new house, so I was left to drive the moving truck. Chloe was pretty adamant about riding with me, solely because she liked the way I would sing songs for her. I would make funny noises with my voice just because I knew it would make her laugh.

The drive wasn't as long as I thought it would be, but considering the music she kept playing, it felt like the trip would never end. A guy can only take so many child songs, you know? We still had about an hour left on our drive from Oklahoma City to Arlington, Texas, but I called mom and asked if we could pull over for something to eat. I hadn't expected her to agree with me, but was happy when she did.

I knew neither of us would have the energy to cook anything after we finally got unloaded, so I asked Chloe what she wanted for dinner then relayed it to my mom through the phone.

"Damn, does that girl ever get tired of Wendy's?"

"One would think, but I guess not. I'll meet you at the parking lot."

"Okay. I've got to grab some smokes, so it'll be a minute before I'm there."

"Alright, mom. Love you."

"Love you too."

Getting off at the nearest exit and driving for about five minutes, I finally found the Wendy's that the sign had mentioned on the freeway. Getting out of the car and walking to the passenger side door, I opened it up and helped Chloe out so she didn't fall.

It only took my mom about six minutes to find and park next to us. After eating and setting off back down the road I told the little one it was my turn to play some music. Though she complained at first, she quickly started singing along with any of the songs she knew.

I hadn't seen the house yet. Mom wanted to keep that a surprise for the both of us. I knew it was big, but that's all I could get her to say, nothing more, and nothing less. Pulling into the street and spotting my car, I pulled up next to it then stared in shock at the place it was parked in front of.

The house wasn't just big, it was huge! The kind of place you would expect to see in a movie, and I was about to live in it. The yard itself was three times the size of our old house, and the grass looked like it was cut every day.

"So what do you think?" My mom asked, stepping up next to me.

I couldn't find the words to speak. I just stood there, shock no doubt dancing across my face as my eyes darted from the house, to her. The massive structure before me already made me feel alone, and I hadn't even set foot in the place.

"And don't worry, with my pay raise and child support, we can afford this and still have money to spare."

I could hear the happiness in her voice. Each word that left her mouth brought an even bigger smile to her face, even earning one from mine. I knew the real reason she got this house, though. I didn't like that she was trying to cover the divorce with petty objects, but every time I tried to bring it up, she'd change the subject as if I never asked it in the first place.

I kind of missed my dad. I mean, he wasn't in my life very often being a singer on the road, but there were still some things that I wished he was around for. The divorce came as a shock to us all. We should have seen it coming, with him being gone for months at a time and only home for a few days, but we figured everything was still okay.

My mom of course, took it the hardest. She didn't talk for a few weeks, just sat in her room drinking and clinging to the photo album that had all their wedding pictures. I was glad she was doing better, but I could tell she was still covering things up with whatever it is she could.

After finally getting everything inside and marveling at the interior, we put Chloe to bed and headed off to our separate rooms after saying goodnight. I was exhausted. I knew once my head hit the pillow I'd be out, so I figured I take the little time I had before I crashed to get my clothes ready for school tomorrow.

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Mute (BoyXBoy)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara