Chapter 22

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As I left the store, bag in hand, I couldn't wait for the next few hours to pass by. I had a great feeling about tonight, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let anything ruin my mood. I continued to browse around the mall for a while, being careful to avoid any book stores they had. I knew that if I set foot in any of them, I would lose track of time, getting lost in any and every book I would pick up, causing me to possibly miss out on tonight, something I definitely didn't want to have happen.

I decided to grab something lite to eat, this way the alcohol from tonight wouldn't hit me full force, causing me to possibly get drunk off just one drink. Making my way to the food court and checking out what options, they had, I couldn't help but get disappointed at the lack of healthy options. I didn't want something fried or covered in grease, but it was looking like my options were slim. They didn't even have a sandwich shop in here. Figuring I could just get something high in protein, I walked over and stood in line at the nearest Chinese food vender and ordered a few different types of meat, then looked around, trying to find the best location to sit down and eat.

Spotting a table a little ways away from everyone else, I made a bee line directly towards it quickly, as to make sure no one else could get there before me. Happily taking my seat and digging into my food, I watched the people walking around, some aimlessly, others that appeared to have a desired location, a purpose even.

"I should have brought a book with me." I muttered to myself, taking another bite of my food. I saw Emmy speeding by and debating on waving to her but decided against it. Figured at the speed she was moving she either wouldn't see me, or wouldn't be able to break from her pace and route to come and sit with me, but shortly after, I saw someone else I knew walking by.

Standing up and calling out his name, I watched as a smile crossed his face as he began making his way over to me, pulled up a chair, and said it was good to see me. I hadn't seen him since his warning about Axel, something I wanted to thank him for, one that I should have taken more to heart.

"How've you been, Kyle? It's been a while." I said smiling in his direction.

"I've been alright, Hunter and his goons got suspended for vandalizing my locker, so I haven't had to deal with them lately. Thanks again for standing up for me, I don't remember if I ever apologized for brining you into my mess either, so I'm sorry as well."

"It's all good, turns out I should have listened to you trying to protect me as well."

He looked up at me, confused, and was getting ready to ask what I meant before I cut him off and broke down everything that happened between Axel and myself, being extra careful not to mention anything about Kavaar.

"Holy hell, that's rough." He stated, a little blown back by everything I just presented to him. "He and I had a few issues too. We dated for almost three months, only for me to find out he was sleeping with two girls. When I called him on it, he blamed me, saying it's because I wouldn't put out."

I could hear the scoff before I even knew it was coming. Axel really was a piece of garbage, and I walked right into it, hook, line, and sinker. At this point I could only imagine how bad their break up was if he reacted the way he did when we weren't even dating. We talked about a few other things, how school has been, cars, music, until he broke from his sentence and pointed out across the mall, called him out, then turned around, said he would be right back and jumped up from his chair and walked off into the crowd. He was only gone for less than a minute before coming back into view, Mute following right behind him. I was a little shocked to see him here, even more so that Kyle ran to grab him after I made him aware of what happened before with Axel at my house. I mean, I did want to see him and clarify that I still wanted to be friends, I was just worried about the one-sided conversation that would take place when I finally got the chance.

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