Chapter 12

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*Leo's POV*

"Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside me head."

The song kept playing in my mind, despite the silence that held strong in the car. The music had ended moments before we pulled into the parking lot of school yet we sat in the car together, both of us lost in our own thoughts. We still had over an hour before school started up, but I wasn't sure what we should do. Normally I just sat in my car and read but I didn't want him to think I was ignoring his presence.

I was, however, rather glad that I could gain some time to collect my thoughts about what happened earlier this morning. The kiss was incredible, but did it mean we were together? What about Axel? I mean, he had kissed me and said that our time together was a date. Should I tell him? How would he react?

I figured telling him would be the best bet, but I didn't want to lose a friend. I needed to find a way to word it so that he wouldn't get upset. The problem was I didn't know how to do it. How do you casually say 'Oh hey, by the way guy that kissed me the day before, I totally made out with some other guy that I have a huge crush on but don't be upset.'?

After catching a small movement through my peripheral vison, I turned my head to the side and say Mute smiling at me. Before I could say anything to him, he got out of the car and started off towards the front doors. I didn't follow him, however. I just sat there in my car, waiting for some rational thought to cross my mind. Something to justify what I had done earlier that day. The problem was, nothing would come to mind.

Abandoning my thoughts and getting out of my car, I heard someone yell me name to the right of me. Turning my head to the direction that the voice came from, I saw Axel walking in my direction, smiling. Waiting by my car door till he made it over to where I was standing, he greeted me with a hug then a small kiss on the cheek. After making a quick look around making sure Mute hadn't seen it, I figured this was the best time to tell him what had happened.

"So, I kissed Shylo this morning."

"Shylo?" He asked, confusion dancing around his eyes.


A small laugh escaped mouth. After staring at me for a brief moment, he must have figured out I was serious. I waited there in silence for a few moments, expecting him to blow up and freak out on me. Instead what I got was the complete opposite.

"That's pretty bad ass, how was it?"

I had to admit, I was rather floored by his question. I was expecting him to yell, get angry, punch me, something. Not this, though. If anything, he seemed honest in his curiosity, like he truly wanted to know how the kiss went, as well as how it happened in the first place.

"Well, I don't really know to be honest. It just kind of happened. He was in my pantry when I woke up. I went downstairs after hearing a noise, saw him there, then it just kind of happened. How come you're not mad at me about this? I mean you said that our time together was a date and you kissed me. I kind of thought you were going to be mad."

An even bigger laugh left his lips before he smiled at me.

"Dude, why would I be upset? It's not like we were in a relationship. I mean, yeah, I kissed you, but that doesn't mean we're boyfriends. Besides, you're a very attractive guy. I wouldn't doubt that pretty much all of the gay or bi men in this school would make out with you. Though, I have to admit I didn't think Mute was gay. Are you two dating now?"

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