Chapter 11

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*Leo's POV*

I didn't want to get up. I could hear the sounds of my alarm blaring into my ears but I couldn't find the strength to roll over and turn it off. If this wasn't a sure sign my day was going to suck then I didn't dare challenge turning on the shower. I stayed in bed for at least another five minutes, attempting to make some type of rhythm with the repetitive beeps ringing in my ears, before finally getting up and silencing the sound.

The walk to the shower seemed endless. Hell, crawling out of bed was torture. Worst part is, I had no idea why I was feeling like this. I had slept my usual hours, woken up at my usual time, but for some reason unknown to me I felt drained. Hoping the shower water would make a difference I turned on only the cold and damn near jumped out of the way when it hit me.

It woke me up, however, at least enough to get me through the morning. After stepping out and brushing my teeth I looked down and noticed I hadn't shaved since before the accident happened, something that bothered me greatly. I had kept my face nice and trimmed down giving me some edge to it, but no where else. Stepping back into the shower and grabbing and extra razor, I started removing the hair just a little further down. It may seem weird to some people, but I like a smooth body, with legs and arms being the exception of course.

After finally getting everything done I headed back to my bedroom to get dressed. Pulling out a pair of semi dark blue jeans, some boxers, and a solid black shirt, I got dressed then grabbed some socks and shoes. Standing up and looking in the mirror I turned a full three sixty to get a better view of how I looked and I had to say I was pretty happy with it. The shirt was a little tight but still complimented my body pretty well.

Heading back over to my nightstand where my keys sat next to my cellphone, I reached out my arm to get them but always knocked over a picture frame in the process. Reacting as quickly as I could and catching it before it could hit the ground I smiled as the image came into view. Setting the picture back on my nightstand and grabbing my keys and cellphone, I headed downstairs where the sound of dishes clattering together made me freeze in my place.

There's no way it could be my mother, seeing as I'm the only one who gets up this early in the morning, just to have my own time and thoroughly wake up. Sneaking the rest of the way into the kitchen as quietly as I possibly could I saw a number of different breakfast items set all over the table. The amount of food looked like it was meant to serve a king! Taking a few more looks around the kitchen I heard a crash in the pantry so I slowly made my way to the door, ready to punch whoever was in there.

I stood just off to the side, so that jumping in front of whoever it was stayed an option and I could catch the looter myself. Come in my house and make breakfast with my food? Bitch, swerve. I could feel every hair on my body stand up when it sounded like whoever it was had turned around and was heading for the pantry door.

"Wait for it...wait for it." I told myself, quietly so that no one else could possibly hear.


Jumping out as quickly as possibly, fist raised and ready to swing. I felt something on my face, however, something soft and slightly cold. Looking down I felt my eyes widen in pure shock as I watched his do the same. Our lips pressed tightly against one another's neither of is sure what to do next. I felt him relax just slightly, then lean forward and opened his mouth.

Something had come over me, though I wasn't quite sure what it was. The next thing I knew his back was against the wall and our kiss had deepened, tongues dancing around and massaging each other's. This is how it should have been. This is how my first kiss should have felt, and I was finally getting to experience the real thing. With him, Mute. His arms wrapped around my neck as I lifted his legs from the ground and they also found their way around my, holding tight to my waist.

I could feel myself panting as my lips moved from his. My heart raced in my chest, each pounding sent a shockwave of noise to my ears. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to feel his lips against mine once more, but I couldn't find the strength to lift my forehead off of his. We just stayed in the same position for a few minutes, neither of us willing to move our eyes from one another. Then it finally hit me. What the hell was he doing here?

Setting him back down on his feet and looking at him with no doubt confusion all over my face, he smiled and grabbed my hand, taking me back into the kitchen where he pulled a picture out of a folder I don't remember seeing a moment ago. From what I could tell, it was his father holding his phone with a dialog bubble above his head.

"Yes I suppose Shylo may come and have dinner with you. In fact, I'm going out of town for the weekend so you can have him the entire time if you want."

It made sense to a point, but is a father really just going to throw their kid at someone he doesn't even know for an entire weekend? It just doesn't seem right. I didn't get a chance to voice any of my thoughts, however. The second I went too he pushed his lips to mine them stepped back and returned to the stove.

"You two are up early."

Jumping in place at the sudden voice I turned around only to see my mother walk into the kitchen and freeze at the sight of all the food.

"Leo, did you make him start cooking?" She asked, shock dancing across her words.

"No ma'am, he was already cooking when I had woken up. "

"Hmmm, okay. So, I guess I should tell you what happened and why he's here."

'You think? I mean, I wake up early in the morning and the next thing I know a guy I've been crushing on pretty much since I saw his face. Or maybe you could tell me about where he's sleeping? I mean, I'm not giving up my bed, but maybe he and I could share?'

I had to resist the urge to chuckle at my own thoughts. After telling me she had called to set up having him over for dinner the farther took the phone and pretty much threw him at us so my mother said yes. I wasn't going to complain, however, I was just surprised to wake up and find him in our home. Turning my head once more as movement came into view, I smiled as Chloe came and noticed Mute, yelled "Mr Chef!" Then ran to hug his legs.

Bending down and smiling at her, he tapped her nose just like he had in the restaurant, then helped her to a chair and grabbed some food and put it on a plate. She started to dig in immediately prompting the rest of us to do the same. I smiled as Mute took the seat next to me, then blushed as his leg rubbed against mine.

"So, Leo, would you mind giving Shylo a ride to school today? Since it's Friday and all I figure you can take him to get some stuff for his weekend over here after your day is over."

"Not a problem at all." I replied, smiling at the both of them.

We say in silence for the next few minutes, all of us eating the delicious food he had set out of us, then all proceeded to go our separate ways. Mom to her bedroom to get ready for work, Chloe to hers to get ready for school, and Mute and I to the front door, ready to take on the final day at school for the week.

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(Ps sorry if this was short, working from my phone while at work. Also, I don't know why I keep putting Leo's POV at the top, the whole thing will be in his view, not anyone else's.)

Mute (BoyXBoy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang