Bonus Chapter

81 6 15

Cherry's POV.

Breathe girl. Breathe. I can do this. I'll just walk up to him and ask him if he can be my boyfriend for a day. I want to tick another item off my bucket list right? I mean, who cares if I've had a crush on him since seventh grade and my heart still skips a beat when I see his smile. I'm a beautiful talented girl, if he says no I'll just laugh it of and tell him all about the stupid bucket list. Its his loss any way. I'll make an amazing girlfriend. And I will be royally crushed if he does.

I was in the middle of giving myself a mental pep talk before asking Matt Damon out when Carla, Cal's now ex-girlfriend walked up to me.

I took in the vengeful expression on her face. This can't be good.

'I hope your friend is happy.' She snarled. Trust me, snarling does not look good on this girl.

'Lily had nothing to do with Cal breaking up with you.' I more or less rolled my eyes.

'Right. Saint Lily isn't it? She had nothing to do with our break up yet she spends every waking moment with him.'

'Look sweetheart, I'd really like to listen to your heartbroken rant but I'm kinda busy right now.' I glanced over her shoulder only to see Matt's receding figure. Damn it!

'Well she finally got what she wanted didn't she? He loves her...'

'Caleb loves Lily?' Now she had my complete attention.

'No. It was just...'

'What? A figure of speech?' I smirked and she paled.

'You've given me all the ammunition I need sweetheart. I strongly suggest you don't forced me to use it by continuing the conversation. Everyone knows Caleb has always liked Lily. They both moved here around the same time and instantly hit it off and he has liked her ever since. Everyone knows that. Everyone except Lily. Now don't force me to change that because if Lily so much as tries, Caleb will be gone for good. So, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna walk away or am I gonna have to pull out the big guns?' I folded my arms and smirked deviously. I'm so done with dealing with Carla and her tantrums. Even when she was still dating Cal.

She gave me a look filled with intense hatred before stalking off.

'Good choice. Bye sweetie!' I yelled.

And you are so deceiving yourself if you think I'm not gonna help my best friend be with the one guy who is assured of making her happy because of you. I care about my best friend's happiness way more than I do about your hurt feelings. Sue me.

I fished out my phone out of my bag and dialed his number. I guess playing cupid isn't going to hurt anyone.

'Hey Caleb.'

'Cherry, is everything okay?' He replied from the other end of the line. Considering I never call him, that's a very reasonable question.

'Don't bullshit me. Do you love my best friend?' I asked, getting down to business.

'Your best friend?' He replied uneasily.

'No my dead great grandmother.' I refrained from rolling my eyes. 'Yes. My best friend. Lily.'

He sighed deeply before replying. 'Yes. I do. A lot.'

'Perfect. Here's the plan.'


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So... what do you guys think? Is Cherry too harsh or is she just an amazing best friend?

Oooh and she has a crush...




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