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'I'm serious about the bucket list this time.' Cherry, my best friend whined.

'Of course you are.' I resisted the urged to roll my eyes as I read Truth About Forever. It's one of my favourite books of all time. I can't ever get tired of it.

'As much as I love Sarah Dessen,' Cherry slapped my leg. 'Get your nose out of that book and focus.'

I grunted and kicked her hand away. Can't I enjoy my book in peace? My eyes scanned the words as I fell in love with the hero all over again.

'You're at the kissing scene, aren't you?' Cherry smirked.

I put the book facing downwards and rolled on my back and let out a deep wistful sigh.

'Why can't boys be as amazing as fictional characters?' I sighed inwardly. 'I want my own Wes.'

'High school will be over in ten days. Will you focus for a second!' She said, annoyance colouring her tone.

'Fine, I'm focused.' I forced myself to a sitting position and tried to pay attention. I grabbed the bucket list and browsed through the list of things my best friend wanted to do before high school ended. I knew it was going to be full of stupid things but I didn't know how stupid until...

'Participate and/or cheer for a sport? Please tell me you're joking.'

'We don't take part in any sports and we always skip PE. I figured we should do things we don't normally do.' She replied defiantly.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the list.

'This is completely stupid. It is by far your dumbest bucket list so far.' I declared.

'There's nothing wrong with the list.' She scowled.

'Date a guy for a day. Dress like a hobo.' I read off the list then shot her a pointed look and sarcastically muttered, 'Nothing dumb about this list whatsoever.'

'Well too bad because you're helping me.' She huffed.

'Not even in your wildest dreams.' Was my reply.

'You promised.' She stated triumphantly.

'No I didn't.' I refuted even though I vaguely remember promising to help her with a few in a moment of weakness and bad judgement.

I sighed in relief as she brought out her phone thinking she had dropped the topic.

'Fine! I promise I'll help you with any one of the items on your stupid bucket list if you need me to. Now get out of here. Scat!' My voice said with an electronic tinge to it.

'You recorded the stupid promise?' I asked incredulously.

'I knew you'd deny it so I did.' She smirked.

'I hate you.' I grunted and face planted into the bed. 'I can't believe you're doing this to me.'

'I'll feel stupid if I do some these stuff alone...'

'So you're forcing me to feel stupid right along with you.' I grumbled.

'No. We won't look stupid since we're two.' She argued.

'No, we'll just look twice as stupid.' I finished.

She rolled her eyes and picked up a fresh paper and a pen. 'Stop being overly dramatic. Now what do you want on your bucket list?'

'To die.' I replied.

'Will you be serious! Isn't there anything you want to do before we graduate. I mean in college, you won't be able to do all this crazy stuff because you'll just come off looking immature. You might regret this later on in life.'

'Regret what? Not letting my best friend blackmail me into doing foolish things?' I raised an eyebrow.

'No! Not being young, wild and free when you had the chance. Not fooling around when it could still be considered cute. Plus it'll make a great story for your grandkids if you ever have them.'

'Fine.' I sighed trying to get into the spirit of things.

I racked my brain for one thing I've always wanted to do in high school and came up blank.

'Well?' Cherry urged.

'Geez, I'm thinking. Gimme a sec.' I rolled over and picked up my book again, still trying to figure out what I wanted on my bucket list.

'A kiss!' I exclaimed triumphantly. 'I've always wanted a kiss. Remember! It's all I used to talk about freshmen and sophomore year. But all the guys in our class then were just going through the ugly disgusting phase of puberty so the dream kind of died a slow death.'

I sat up, excitement radiating off me.

'That's what I want. I want an amazing kiss that's going to leave me gasping for breath and clutching his shirt to stay upright. I don't want to be the only girl with virgin lips in college. I don't mind being an actual virgin but having virgin lips is a tad too far for me.' I said excitedly. Cherry grinned, my excitement rubbing off on her.

'That's all I want on my bucket list.' I whispered. 'I don't want a relationship or a boyfriend. Just one mind blowing kiss.'

'Well do you have a target in mind?' Cherry asked.

'Dylan O'Brien.' I replied promptly. He's plays my favourite character, Stiles in teen wolf.

'But since he's unavailable at the moment which is just a fancy way of saying he doesn't know I exist, I guess I'll just have to make do with one of the guys from school.' I shrugged.

'It's a pity about Stiles. He would've made a great first kiss.' She joked just as the door to my room slid open and my dad stuck his head in.

'What were you talking about just now?' He frowned.

'Nothing! Just a school project.' I quickly supplied and Cherry nodded emphatically.

His eyes narrowed and he grunted under his breath before walking away.

Cherry and I held in our laughter and tiptoed to the door to press our ears against it.

'I should get my Glock from storage. No boy is getting near my daughter. Especially not one with a dumb enough name like Styles.' We heard my dad grumble on the other side of the door before stomping off no doubt to get his trusted gun.

Cherry and I exchanged a wide eyed look and burst into fit of giggles.

'Whoever I end up picking had better be bulletproof.' I giggled.

'Well that certainly narrows it down.' Cherry replied between bouts of laughter.

' Cherry replied between bouts of laughter

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This is going to be a short story. It's actually based on a real life experience. Not everything but the main theme is based on a real life experience.

The lovely cover was made by Grishma_Rajput She is an amazing graphic designer. Anyone in need of a cover or banner should should check out her graphics book.

Completing The Bucket List Where stories live. Discover now