Chapter 10 : Outside

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Productivity was never a part of Ryuo, and he intended to keep it that way. For the past few days, all he had ever done was sleep, walk. He ate on occasion, heading upward to Sous Chef's bar.

Today was like any other day. Ryuo was sitting on his mattress, admiring the ceiling above him. He sighed. If only he could live like this forever, without a care in the world.

But like all things, his peace came to an end. He rose from his bed as a knock resonated from the door.

" You only need to knock once "

Ryuo shouted to the door as he slowly made his way.

" Ryuo-sama, Momonga-sama wishes to see you and he asks you to prepare for a quick journey to the outside "

Ryuo only groaned in annoyance as he made his way to the bathroom.

" And Momonga-sama would like you to leave Muramasa behind "

A groan was the only answer the voice got.


Ryuo arrived at Momonga's doorstep. He was wearing the usual armor he always wore. He had his greatsword strapped to his back, and Beheaded King's Glory was in his hand.

He banged on Momonga's door, yelling his name as he did so.

" You only need to knocklightly " Momonga groaned at the loud noise.

" Ha! As if I would ever follow you. I will instead knock half a knock! " Ryuo responded as he brought his fist to the door.

Momonga opened the door, his expression dumbstruck as he asked " How? " All Ryuo did was grin back as he made his way into the room.

Ryuo sat on the couch, his armor making noise with every step he took. He patted the free seat beside him, offering it to Momonga.

Momonga instead casted a [Gate] and motioned Ryuo to follow.


Enri held her younger sister close to her as they ran as fast as they could, following the trail towards the forest. The thumps of metal boots against the ground and the rattles of armor came from behind them, mere feet away.

Her sister groaned as she stumbled, bringing Enri down with her. Fear and horror flashed through her mind regarding the fate that was coming to the two sisters.

The knight behind her chuckled darkly as he raised his weapon.

" There is no escape, girl "

Anger washed over her, and with all the strenght she could muster, she flung herself at the knight.

" Don't underestimate me! "

With all the force a young peasant girl like her could gather, she sent her fist towards the knight. Pain erupted from her fist as it collided with the helmet. But even in pain, she reached for her sister. If only they could run a little farther, they could hide in the forest.

The knight shouted in rage as he swung his sword downwards, blood flowing from the long line it had left. Even with the burning sensation, she continued to protect her sister. Shielding her with her body, hoping even if only her sister, could escape.

As she neared the doors of death, she felt her senses heighthen. The ragged breathes, the whimpers and the screams. She could feel the cold breeze of the forest air against her skin, the warmth of the sun, and the blades of grass softly carressing her legs. But what was infrlnt of her caught her attention the most.

A circle emerged from nothing, an aura of dread emanating from it. A bony hand reached out, in each digit a multitude of rings could be seen. The person soon emerged from the portal.

A skeleton exited, draped in a blue veil. Each socket for its eye held a tiny flame that served as its pupils, and a red gem resided in its torso. In its hand an intricate staff with an assortment of gemstones placed unto mouths of the snakes on its top.

As the skeleton came, another followed. The hulking form emerged from the portal. The companion wore armor with a grayish tint, its cape flapping as the wind carried it. In his hand was a sword of gigantic proportions and a shield with an emblem she couldn't recognize came with the other. He stared at her, his eyes piercing right through her. His square jaw and tusk-like teeth made him seem much more intimidating than the one before, until he tried to give her a soft smile.

(emphasis on tried)

Her face quickly lost its color as she stared into his eyes. Maybe Death himself came to personally guide her into the afterlife. Or the Devil himself came to drag her to the fiery pits of hell.
She turned to the knight behind her, only to see him frozen from fear as well.

She held her sister closer as the two started walking towards her direction. She forced her eyes shut as they neared her, readying herself from the death to come.

If it actually would come.

She opened her eyes to see the skeleton raise its hand to the nearest soldier, its fingers holding a silhouette of a heart.

[ Grasp Heart ]

Its fingers began to constrict, the silhouette bleeding as it did so. The knight clutched his chest as he coughed out blood. The knight clawed at his chestplate, desperately gasping for air, before his limp body fell to the ground. The skeleton flicked his wrist, removing the blood that flowed in between.

A second knight that had followed the group ran as fast as he could, fear overtaking him. But before he could take another step, he fell on the ground, screaming. The demon pointed his greatsword at the knight, a dark aura emanating from the weapon.

[ Greater Fear ]

The knight screamed for what seemed like eternity until he went silent. The knight slowly limped his way towards his sword. He plunged it to his stomach, his voice returning to him. He slowly ripped his stomach open, his innards gushing out as a stream of gore, a sea of blood pooling beneath his legs.

A mere man would have died at that moment, but this was different. The spell casted on him kept him alive and conscious, but nowhere in control of his body.

Once the knight had finished cutting hisself open, he plunged his arm into the hole in his body and pulled out a red beating object. His heart beating in his hand, still warm. He then brought it to his mouth and bit into it, ripping the fleshy lump apart.


My friend asked for a dark scene so here. Sorry if it felt rushed or out of place cause I still can't find a low quality version of episode 3. I used my memory here and i hope it serves me right.

shools up in a few days. and i wont be able to sleep properly now.

*sad emoticon*

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