Chapter 2: Reality? Fiction? Doesn't matter cause I gotta escape from a psycho

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R: The long awaited? chapter to the incredibly stupid fanfiction I have written. I hope you are happy with the loss of braincells... and the slower than a rock upload rate. Its been 6 months? 1 year? Dear god, help me and my laziness.

Btw, sorry if the writing is bad, I'm rusty.

Remember, reviews are thanked for, and flames are added to my ramen, because I'm all out of salt. And its all tears from being butthurt.

" Talking "

' Thinking '

" Really Intense Speeches "

( Author butting in )

' What happened here? '

I roll on the ground, coughing. The alcohol burned my throat real bad.

' It burned? That's weird, I thought that Yggdrasil doesn't have that function? '
Ryuo was confused. He sat down on the floor and thought to himself.

' There is no way that I could be in a fantasy world, there just isn't any way '

" Wait, what is that? "

Ryuo listens closely, and notices a nearby entity breathing like mad.

" Who are you? Show yourself! "

" Ryuo-sama... Ryuo-sama!~ "

Shalltear lay on the ground, panting.

" Oh my god! "

Ryuo stood up, shocked.
On the floor was Shalltear, panting and as red as a tomato.

" Just how in the world did you end up there? "

If one could see the face of Ryuo, he probably would be redder than a tomato. From embarrassment or something else, we will never know.

" Ryuo-sama, I yearn for your touch! "

Shalltear crawled closer to Ryuo, and clings on his leg like a lifeline.

" Ge-get off! "

' Goddamn you Peroroncino, I hold grudges you know! '

" Help me! "

Ryuo tries to pry her hands open, but to no avail.

" Ryuuuo-samaaaa, be with me~ "

Shalltear hugs his leg, causing him to trip and fall.

" Damn you Peroroncinoooooo! "

Trip and fall into the stairway leading to the lower floors of the dungeon.


" Oh my god, my head hurts "

Ryuo moans in dismay as he sits up, rubbing his head in pain.

" I might be a demon, but I guess demons can still be hurt by stairs "

' Yup, confirmed. Videogame '

" Ryuoo-samaaa~~~ "

Shalltear lays on the ground, slowly crawling towards Ryuo.

" Why Peroroncino, why! "

Ryuo stands up and runs as fast as he can, with Shalltear somehow able to catch up to him.

" Gotta hide, but where?! "

Ryuo loudly thinks, running to and fro the 4th floor with Shalltear on his tail.

" I could use that "

Managing to hide behind a pillar in the nick of time, he sighs his relief as he seems to have lost Shalltear. But God forbid that love goes unnoticed, and so is his cape which is not so hidden behind said pillar.

" I found you, Ryuo-sama~! Won't you stay with me and play for a bit?"

Shalltear leaps toward him, and he quickly tries to teleport to the 10th floor, the [ Throne Room ]. But alas, she grabbed his leg in the nick of time, causing him stumble backwards and lose his balance.

" Woooaa- "


" -aaaahhh! "

He grabs his head in pain as he hits the hard floor, rolling in pain.

" Ahhhhh... Momonga-sama~ ! "

Momonga sits on the throne, grabbing what seems to be Albedo's chest, mouth agape as he notices Ryuo staring at him on the floor.

" What were you doing? "

Ryuo asks, standing up and rubbing the back of his head.

" Nothing! It was nothing! " he quickly removes his hands from not-her-chest, waving his arms in denial.

" Suuurre, you weren't touching her not-her-chest. Totally " Ryuo sighs in disbelief and crosses his arms.

" I was just doing a test to see if this was still a ga- wait. You're still here? " he asks curiously while Ryuo raises a brow.

" What do you mean ' am I still here '? Of course I am! Did you think that I was some kind of NPC or something?! " Ryuo glares at him, then turning away like a mad tsundere you b-baka.

" Well, yeah. Sort of " Momonga sighs in relief.

" At least you aren't alone, you aloner " Ryuo smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up while Momonga returns the favor and Albedo looking at them with confusion on her face.

'  Thank god he's here. And I might be safe for a while from Shalltear "  Ryuo sighs in relief.

" What are you doing here, anyway? " Momonga asks.

" Albedo, leave us for now " Ryuo asks her kindly, and she leaves quietly.

A few minutes after Albedo's absence.

" Don't laugh, okay? " Ryuo asks him sternly, looking at him eye-to-eye(hole?).

" Okay, I won't laugh " Momonga answers him reassuringly.

" You promise? " Ryuo walks nearer Momonga until he meets him at eye level.

" I promise " Momonga answers, raising his hands, hiding behind them.

" Okay "

" Yeeessss? " Momonga asks in a curious tone.

" Peroroncino made Shalltear a.... "

" A what, Ryuo? "

If Momonga could smile, he probably would be smiling ear to ear, like that one friend who would laugh like it was the end of the world when you fall face flat into the concrete sidewalk, then pick you up. Only to rub it on your face for a whole month.

" He made Shalltear into a psycho-stalker "


Jesus I made it! Thanks for the reviews guys. You da best. Wait. Do you smell that? Sugar.


Just don't sugar coat because it was my first time. Need them hot flames boiiiiiiii.

Don't worry, flames won't kill me. It just gives motivation. As always, leave reviews, thank you for reading this autistic trash that I make.

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear.

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