Chapter 8 : Starry Night Sky

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" Ryuo, why do you have blood on your hands? " Momonga asks, reeling back.

" It has been done "

" W-what has? "

" Nothing " He said nonchalantly, scraping the blood of his bloodied gauntlets.

" Oh. "

" Mhm "

" Well I'm gonna go out, wanna join me? " Momonga invites him.

" Why not? " He shrugs. "A little fresh air hurt anyone "

He was about to teleport to the first floor, but Momonga suddenly grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

" What's wrong? " Ryuo asked.

" You can't go out like that " Momonga pointed to his body " You need a disguise "

" You really mean that? This isn't just one of your plans to make me die inside, right? "

" Look at my armor " Momonga points to himself. " Now think about what you just said "

" E touché " ( how do you spell tou-shey )

He reluctantly pulls out a wand, and in just a matter of seconds Momonga started giggling.

" Is, that it? The *laughs ITS THE WAND " Momonga laughed as he stared at the wand.

" I hate you " Ryuo takes out the very same clothes he used as her, and some other choices. Soon enough, a hefty pile of clothes were on the ground.

" HAHAHA! " Momonga wheezed " I HAVE A FRONT ROW SEAT! "

Ryuo sighed as a bright flash of light emerged from the wand. When the light subsided, a woman stood in his place.

Ryuo's armor lay cluttered on the floor, right besides the stack of elven clothes.

Ryuo looked at Momonga, expecting him to be laughing and pointing and then laughing even more at him. But he wasn't.

Momonga just stared at her, and all the skin that was revealed to him. Ryuo examined him, then to where his eyes were staring.

( if Ryuo transforms, he is changed to she, and vice versa )

Quickly covering up her chest, Ryuo slaps Momonga with a free hand, fuming with anger.

" Now I know why people hate me " She says, picking the clothes up with a free hand.

" Your hands are so soft " Momonga catches her hand before it hits him for the fifth time.

" Let go of me! " She shouted, but Momonga was too caught up to comply.

" And they smell so good too! " He sniffed her hand, then the air. The smell of flowers and girly goodness was everywhere, but Ryuo was not in the mood to check. Maybe because of the gender change, or the fact that she is a guy at heart, he didn't let him treat her like that.

" Don't flirt what you can't fuck with your nonexisting boner,Dickhead! "

Momonga reeled back, offended by the comment.

" Jeez woman! Control yourself " Momonga crossed his arms, surprised by that response from Ryuo.

" Wipe your nose, it's bleeding " Ryuo scoffed as she told him, and started sorting through her clothes. He couldn't possibly bleed, since he is just a skeleton, but you know what she meant.

" But you look so.. " Momonga made an obscene gesture of a hourglass, and ended up getting another slap headed for his face.

Momonga grinned and took the slap, unaware of the spell Ryuo casted.

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