Chapter 3: Flashbacks. Foreshadowing? Or useless memories of times long past?

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Hi there, fellow reader! How do you see this story so far? Like it? Hate it? If so, then tell it! Only then would I be able to accomodate your needs. *enter loving fat father slow laugh.

Remember, review and comment!!!!

And a Happy Christmas to all!

" He made Shalltear into a psycho-stalker "

" He did what? " Momonga laughed as hard as he could, and hits the throne with his fists in an attempt to contain his laughter. Which, thankfully for Ryuo who was facing his palming, was calmed by some force.

" I knew I shouldn't have told you " Ryuo responds in a low voice, crossing his arms and shaking his head in disappointment, then in regret.

" Well, I guess that makes us even? "

" Even in where? "

" I don't know, lover-psycho-stalkers? " Momonga shrugs his arms, while Ryuo crosses his.

" No, yours is not. And I mean NOT, a stalker and a psycho " Ryuo turns his back and scoffs.

After a few hearty laughs, friendly banter and a lot of catching up, they have finally deduced what has happened to them. After Momonga explains the plans he has conceived, and a few debates with Ryuo, they finally come up with a solution.

A long moment of silence began as they realize that they are stuck here, and scream in their heads why they haven't spent their lives to the fullest yet.

( Especially Momonga, cause he realizes that he is just a fancy bag of bones with a libido that doesn't get sated and instead just vanishes into nothingness. And when he does maintain it, he won't be able tp do anything without that bone)

Deciding to break the long agonizing moments of realization, Momonga calls Albedo into the room, who happens to be just outsode the door.

" Yes, my masters? "
Albedo bows her head down in respect.

" Have all the guardians except for the fourth and the eight floor come to the fighting arena in the sixth floor in one hour " Momonga sends her off, and she goes on her way.

After a long moment of silence, Momonga feels a nudge on his arm. Looking at the source, he sees Ryuo smirking suggestively.

Instead of the usual friendly retort he usually gets when they have a banter, what he got instead was a long, sad sigh.

" This is terrible " Momonga lowers his head, staring at the floor, a sense of guilt in his voice.

" What is? " Ryuo leans closer, examining him. Having no idea of why he turned depressed, despite him and Momonga chatting happily just a minute ago, he raises his brow in confusion.

' I dirtied the NPC that Tabula-san created '

He thought after a long depressing moment of silence, sighing deeply once again.

Grabbing the [ Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown], he stands up from the throne.

" Shit! Ill just worry about that problem later! "

Teleporting away, Ryuo waves as he disappears.

" Yeah, see you there in a bit " He responds, utterly confused at just what happened right there. Figuring that he could use a moment for himself, he stays for a bit to gather his thoughts.

After a long slow moment of silence, he figured that he has spent enough time psyching himself up for what is to come, and decided to go meet up with him already.

Speaking of meeting up with someone, isn't there someone he was supposed to meet up with?

------- Flashback?

" Damn, what should I do back home? "
Ryuo was walking down the street, hands in his pocket, whistling a carefree tune with his head in the air when a figure from the sidewalk parallel to his caught his attention.

" Hey, Ryuo! " Said figure waves his arms in the air, as if attempting to catch attention, which he was.

" Oh hey Atsushi, what's up? " Ryuo crosses the road to be along with him.

" Nothing much " he responded, walking happily to who-knows-where.

" You going to be online later? Its the final days of Yggdrasil after all " Ryuo asks him, eager for an answer.

" I'll try, its been a looong time since I've played, right? There's bound to be tons of updates "

Ryuo pouts at his bestfriend, and noticing that his home is near, decides to end the conversation.

" I'll be waiting then, just private message me when you are signed on "

They exchange goodbyes, and part ways, each waving at each other.

" Damn, I do hope he logs on in time, this time"

He walks home, before remembering something that he had forgotten to do.

'What was his avatar again?'

------- Flashback? End

Shrugging it off as an unfortunate little thing that didn't happen, he proceeds to teleport to the sixth floor, the [Jungle] floor.

He spawns at the entrance leading to the amiptheatrum.

The Amphitheatrum. Located in the sixth floor, the [Jungle], the Amphitheatrum is a large coliseum. Seats upon seats line the outer walls, with golems acting as audiences. A special place is reserved for the guild members. The place is monitored and managed by dragonkins and are guarded by their respective floor guardians, Mare Bella Fiore and Aura Bello Fiora.


Here's the third chapter to my ridiculously boring fanfiction.

I was aiming for 1.5k words but while I was in the middle of it I went sick with intense fever so I decided to cut it here. Sorry.

Anyway, who do you think Atsushi is? Gbye

What do you call a large amount of an ingredient that has no god?

The Eighty Yeasts

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