My Shirt

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Requested by @Chara1211

45) "You look very hot in my shirt."

Killian's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and Emma wasnt there, but the house smelled good. I walked downstairs to my Swan cooking.

"Good Morning Love." I say.

"Good Morning handsome." She says.

"So whats the plan for today?" I ask.

"I was thinking we have breakfast in and then head out to meet up with my parents." She says.

"Thats sounds... Hey is that mine?" I ask.

"Oh the shirt. Yeah. I hope you dont mind." She says.

"Of course it is because you look very hot in my shirt." I say.

"Well I try." She says.

"Come here you." I say.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me and kissed her.

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