First steps

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Requested by @love_angel_26

Snow's POV

I was helping Neal stand up and helping him walk, but he wasnt walking on his own yet. I set Neal next to the couch and he stood up and looked at me. I walked to the kitchen.

"Oh come on Neal walk to momma." I say.

Then right before my eyes he started walking and I couldnt believe my eyes. I picked him up and David walked in.

"Hey sweetie." David says.

"He did it. He walked." I say.

"Really? He did? Can he do it again?" He asks.

"Sure." I say.

I placed Neal back by the couch and he stood up while holding the couch.

"Walk to Daddy. Please." David says.

Neal then smiled at David and started walking.

"Aww thats a big boy." I say.

"Thats my boy." David says picking him up.

Watching David with our son was beautiful. We wernt there for Emma, but luckily we were there for Neal.

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