Chapter 9

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Throughout the night Carter tossed and turned thinking about her first day back at school since the argument with Michelle. She wondered if she would see her then she began to wonder what she would do if she saw her. Would she cry? Would she laugh? Would she punch her in the face? It was so much going through her mind she couldn't get proper rest. Looking at her alarm it read 5:18 am she didn't have to wake up until 6:30 so she looked up at her ceiling and let her mind wonder. Waking up to the sound of her alarm going off she reached over to turn it off but instead it fell off the dresser and rolled farther away from her. Getting frustrated she quietly cursed herself as she got out the bed to pick up her alarm. Finally getting it to turn off she grabbed all her morning hygiene products and headed towards the shower. After spending a good forty-five minutes in the shower she wrapped her towel around her and wiped enough steam off the mirror to see her reflection. She stared at herself for a long time she wanted to know what was the big deal about herself. She wanted to know why her skin was considered a beautiful nightmare. She wanted to know if she was pretty enough to have the wonderful boyfriend she does. She wanted to know why she didn't feel as pretty as everyone said she was. Snapping out of her thoughts she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Heading back to her room she could hear her phone ringing; rushing to answer it before she could miss the call she answered it right on time.

"Hello?" She spoke first. She could hear someone breathing on the other line but they wouldn't say words. Looking at the screen to see who it was the call was labeled unknown. "Hello are you gonna say something?" Carter said. Still hearing only breathing she hung up and tossed her phone back on the bed. Looking through her closet she picked out her khaki pants and white short sleeve polo. Once she got dressed she looked herself over in the mirror. It's been awhile since she had her uniform on and to see herself in it again made her stomach turn. Looking at the time it was 7:45 am. Grabbing her backpack and keys she headed down stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Once she got to the bottom of the stairs she realized she forgot her phone. Turning back around to get her phone she bumped into her mom.

"In a rush?" Her mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry mom I didn't hear you come down. I was just heading back upstairs to get my phone." She explained. Reaching in her back pocket her mom passed her phone to her.

"I figured you forgot it. I was on my way down stairs with you when I heard it ringing, so I went back to get it for you." Her mom explained.

"Thanks mom." She smiled giving her a hug.

"No problem honey. What would you do without me?" Her mom joked while hugging her back and placing a kiss on the top of her head. Both walking to the kitchen they see Desmond pouring coffee in a cup for his wife and himself. "What's cooking good looking?" Her mom said to her dad walking in the kitchen and smacking him on the butt.

"I hope to have a relationship like you guys one day." Carter said mesmerized in her parents love. All her life she watched her parents love each other for better or worse. They always joked around with each other; they always consider one another's opinion when it came to making decisions. Carter always wanted love like her parents; she promised herself that she would find someone to look at her the way her dad looked at her mom.

"I hope so too." Carter's dad said while going up to hug her tight. "You ready?" He asked after kissing the top of her head.

"Jacob is going to take me to school today since I already put you guys through enough these past few weeks." Carter huffed.

"Baby we'd do anything for you; we only want the best out of you. If you need anything or anything happens your mother or I will come down and fuck some shit up one time for the one time." Her father assured her.

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