Chapter 4

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Two months later.

Three more pages left and I will be done with my History essay that is due next week. Time has defiantly been flying by and for some reason I can't seem to catch up. Like this essay I'm working on right now. I have been stuck on this same paragraph for the last hour. Usually I can knock an essay out with no problem but today there is a problem. Today my mind is going a mile a minute and it won't stop. Breaking out of my day dream I look down and see my phone vibrating on the table letting me know that Tiara is calling me. At first I didn't want to answer because I am in the library but I didn't want to be rude.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey where you at?" Tiara asked.

"I'm in the library trying to complete this history essay." I said rereading the paragraph I have been stuck on.

"I finished mines last night, if you want I could help you out?"

"Yes, that would be great. I'm in the back on the left hand side in the corner." I said happily into the phone.

"Okay be there in a few minutes." Tiara said hanging up. Putting my phone down I focused back on my essay again. Five minutes later I see Tiara walking in my direction.

"Girl you over here in the cut." She joked as we shared a laugh.

"Shhhh!" Someone said to us.

"Don't Shhh me, you lucky imma Christian now." Tiara said kissing her gold cross that hung around her neck on a chain. Laughing out loud I had to control myself before I got kicked out the library. Tiara and I have been getting a little close these past couple of months. Despite her attitude and anger problems she is very intelligent. Don't let the look fool you, she might look like a regular girl from the hood by the way she talk and dress but she is the fastest learner I have ever met. She takes her education seriously so that she can party later with no problem. She is fun to hang around and she always keeps me on my toes no matter the occasion. Once we started working on my essay time started to fly; before I knew it the bell rung letting us know school was over. Sometimes my free block comes in handy. Packing up our things we headed for the door to lead to the hallway. Checking my phone I see I have numerous of missed calls and texts from Jacob and Michelle. Putting my phone back in my pocket I made my way to my locker with Tiara right behind me. "So you still coming over tonight right?" Tiara asked once we reached my locker.

"Yeah, I just gotta go past my house and grab my clothes and stuff." I said shoving my books into my locker. I am so glad it is Friday, that means I can sleep in for the next two days but since I'm going to be hanging out with Tiara I know I'm not going to get much sleep.

"My boyfriend outside waiting for me, I could give you a ride to your crib and we can all just ride to my house together." Tiara suggested.

"Yeah that could work but I thought you and Dennis wasn't together." I said.

"Girl that's bae no matter what his stupid self does. He aint going nowhere no time soon. Believe that!" She said as we high fived and laughed together.

"I've been calling you." Michelle said coming up to her locker next to me.

"Yeah, I know I've been in the library working on my history paper with Tiara. I was going to call you back once I get settled and out this crowded hallway." I explained to Michelle.

"Okay well you ready to go, I already got my clothes and stuff ready so im good to go." Michelle said while closing her locker.

"To go where?" I asked confused.

"To your house remember? You said we could have our monthly girls weekend and that your mom and dad was going to a hotel tonight while the twins stayed with your grandparents." Michelle explained. As I thought back I remembered what Michelle was talking about and felt bad.

For The Love of ColorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora