Chapter 5

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"Carter. Carter. Carter!" My little sister Jordyn yelled jumping up and down on my bed. Trying to roll over she kept jumping on my bed then landed on my head.

"Ouch Jordyn!" I yelled. Taking the cover off of my head I looked over at her. Her face started in a smile but slowly turned into a frown when she saw I wasn't smiling.

"Sorry Carter." Jordyn pouted. Taking a deep breath I put a big smile on my face.

"It's okay Jordyn just be careful with me next time." I explained to her. A smile came across her face again and I gave her a big hug. "What time is it?" I said out loud to myself.

"Time for you to get a watch." Jordyn said laughing.

"You know what smarty pants." I said turning around to tickle her. Laughing out loud I let her go so I could get started on my morning routine. Monday came faster than I thought. My weekend was great, majority of the time I was with Tiara and Jacob at Tiara's house. Even Tiara's boyfriend came by to make it up to Tiara so everyone was in a good mood. I would have stayed and went to school from her house but her family is too active for me and I need my personal space so I came home last night instead. Looking at my phone the time read six forty-two in the morning. Grabbing my towel and soap I headed for the bathroom. After taking my twenty minute shower I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Once I got back in my room I checked the time again and it is seven sixteen. I lotion my body and put on deoroderant I dressed in my regular khaki pants and white shirt uniform. Grabbing my coat off the chair just in case the November air diecdes to be harsh I grab my phone off my night stand and head to the kitchen. Placing my things in the living room I join everyone else in the kitchen as my mom is placing the food on the table for breakfast.

"Hi Carter!" My little brother Jayden screamed running up to me. Meeting him halfway I picked him up and spun him around.

"Hi Jayden!" I said putting him down. "How was grandma's house?" I asked.

"Fun! She took us to Chuckie cheese and brought us cotton candy." He said excitedly.

"Ouu that sounds great."

"I saved you some cotton candy"

"Really where is it?" I asked as we walked to the kitchen table.

"In here." He said pointing to his stomach and laughing.

"Mmm is that why your kisses are so sweet?" I said tickling his stomach.

As we sat down and ate we made light conversation about our adgends for the day. After we finished I decied to ride with my dad for a ride to school. Stepping outside the wind hit me and I put on my coat and zippered it up. Rushing to the car I quickly got in the front seat and put my seatbelt on.

"Cold outside?" My dad asked me with a laugh.

"Not at all daddy I just put on this coat because it goes well with my skin complexion." I replied sarcastically.

"Got jokes I see."

"Got dumb questions I see." I said as we shared a laugh. On our way to my school we made brief conversation. "Daddy how do you feel about kissing?"

"It leads to babies." He said focused on the road for his upcoming turn.

"Daddy I'm serious." I whined.

"So am I." He smiled and looked over at me. "Look I can't control everything you do even though I try. But I know that I raised and still am raising a intelligent young beautiful lady so with that being said I trust that you will make wise decisions. You don't need mommy and daddy's approval twenty-four seven, if you keep coming to us how are you going to learn anything for yourself. I appreciate that you want to be respectful and honest with your mother and I but we expect you to make mistakes and do wrong every now and then. We were your age once so we know how life can be but eventually your going to have to learn for yourself." My dad explained. "If you wanna kiss go kiss just don't comeback with any lip fungus or buns in the oven." He joked

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