Chapter 3

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Walking to the parking lot to find Jacob and his car I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. Looking to see who was calling I see Jacob flash across the screen.


"Where y'all at?"

"We in the parking lot looking for you."

"Okay I'll be out in a minute, I just finished a meeting with my team members."

"Okay. Take your time." I said hanging up.

"Where they at?" Michelle asked.

"They had a meeting they'll be out soon."

"Good cause its getting chilly out here."

"Mama said you were going to be cold." I laugh.

"Ha ha ha very funny." She said rolling her eyes and pulling at her skirt. Looking around everyone was basically just hanging around their cars and laughing and talking. The teachers are trying to leave immediately and I understand why. Most of the fights happen after school in the parking lot. Looking down at my phone to check the time I hear someone faintly calling my name. Looking around to see who it was I turned around to see Jacob running up to us.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." We said back at the same time.

"Where's Jaylen?" Michelle asked looking Jacob up and down.

"Yeah about that. Jaylen couldn't make it, but my other boy Simon can. He should be on his way out here now." He said looking back at the exit doors. And right on time Simon came out.

"OH HELL NO! Are you kidding me J?" She asked angrily.

"He was the only one available in short notice. I really do apologize though, just try to give him a chance you never know." He said sincerely.

"Both of y'all owe me big time. I mean like name your first born after me type of thing." She said through gritted teeth. The whole time I was trying to keep in my laughter so I focused elsewhere. Simon is a big heavy set guy that sweats a lot underneath his arms. He never really gets any play but still tried. He is about 6"3 and weighs at least three hundred pounds, he always breathe heavy and has a chipped tooth in the front of his mouth. He is a caramel complexion with a nappy curly top and Hygiene isn't really his best friend because his teeth are yellow and his clothes are wrinkled. But Simon isn't poor though both his parents have good paying jobs so the fact that he comes to school so dingy looking makes no sense to me. I honestly thought if he was to get an extreme makeover he would look half way decent, he isn't disrespectful and has manners. Some girls only talked to him because he is cool with the popular guys in school.

"Wussup y'all?" He said while approaching us.

"Wussup." Jacob said dapping him up.

"Hey Simon." I said shaking his hand which are surprisingly soft.

"Sup." Michelle said rolling her eyes. As we all finished greeting each other we start heading over to Jacob's car. Jacob had a 2008 silver Honda Accord. Putting all of our things in the trunk we all got in the car and headed to the mall. Pulling up he finds a parking space near the entrance, getting out the car we all walked up to the mall Jacob and Simon are ahead of Michelle and I talking.

"What's wrong?" I asked Michelle.

"Why would y'all ever stick me with Fat Albert?" She said getting an attitude.

"Nobody is sticking you with him. If you want to go in the mall and do your own thing be my guess but don't blame us over a little mistake."

"I'm not blaming y'all I'm just saying." She said rolling her eyes. Poking her side to try to make her laugh she gives me a small smile then chuckled.

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