Chapter 23

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Landon's POV

"Lynn Mathews. Do I have to fight you again?"

"It's not my fault."

"Why would you ever put her in pressure and choose!"

"She shouldn't have to! I'm her boyfriend." Lynn pointed to himself.

"Some boyfriend you are." I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I saw Will who was checking his phone.

"And to think, I thought William Ryder would protect my sister from getting hurt. This time I mean it. Stay away from her."

He stared at me and nodded. "I love her, Landon." He sighed and walked away.


Lilac's POV

"They're making me choose! They're absolutely out of their minds! I'm not gonna choose!"

"Is it cause you like both of them or because you don't know who is worse." Aria stared at me.

"I.. i do like both of them a lot. But both of them are worse than the other. It's tiring. I just need a break."

"School's about to end in two weeks." Nina faced us. "I have a cabin upstate. We can vacation there for a while."

Aria squealed. "Oh my gosh. YES PLEASE!"

I laughed at my friends. "I'm in. I just need to make sure it's all right with my family.

"It's a plan."

The three of us continued to talk.

Our phones rang.

I looked at the notification.

Ari sighed and turned her phone on.

Nina jerked up in shock when he saw the notification.

The door slammed open.

"Did you guys get that, too?"

I nodded.

Owen Keller was found in the woods near the Ryder residence. He was apparently armed and is considered dangerous. Police are still on the lookout.

Near Ryder residence?

I look down and frown. I look up at Landon.



I rang the doorbell desperately. I waited for Will to open the window. Looking perfectly fine and cheery.

I sigh and tap my foot.

The door slowly opened.

"William." My breath was shaky.

Will had bruises on his face. His lip was ripped and red.

I gasp and quickly gave him a tight hug. "What happened?" My arms were around him tightly.

He put his arms around my waist. "Lilac. I don't think it's okay if you're outside. You-"

"No. I- I don't care." I rested my face on his chest. His heartbeat was fast.

"I promised I would protect you. Please stay in your house. I- I'll pick you up tomorrow for school. Just please stay inside." He let go of me but his hands were around my arms. "Lilac-"

"No! What happened? How? Why?"

Will sighed and wiped a tear off. "Sorry." He sniffed. "The last thing I want is to cry in front of you." He laughed weakly.

"I really don't care." I kissed his cheek gently. "What happened, Will."

"He just showed up and attacked me. And he said he was out to get us all. Then he mentioned you and I just felt... like I couldn't do anything. He chose not to kill me then. He said he would, though. Lilac, he's mental. Most people wouldn't get like this. He was acting crazy."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Will. Stay over at my house."

He let go of my hands. "I'm not going to. That could get you in danger."

"If you stay here by yourself, that could get you in danger. I don't want to lose you. Please. Stay with my family until Owen is put behind bars."

"You don't want to lose me, eh?" He smiled.

Great he put his focus on that. "Of course not."

"Does that mean you choose me over Lynn?" Will smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm still mad over that. You guys were gonna make me choose. Why would you do that to me?" I let go of his hands.

"Oh so that means even while you were dating Lynn, you still liked me enough to be stuck between Lynn and I?"

"Can you just shut up?" My face flushes red.

He grabbed my hands again and kissed my forehead. "I can shut up but tell me you choose me and like me."

I sigh. "Okay let's go to my house." I pull him but he stayed firm.

"I'm not leaving till you tell me."

He pulled me into him. I gasp at the sudden grab. My hand was on his chest and my other on his arm.

Every single feeling I had for Will exploded inside of me.

He put his arm around my waist and smiled down at me.

I guess when I found out Will kissed Courtney, I was so hurt and tried to shove all my feelings for Will away. And then I started dating Lynn. I thought I was completely over Will, but here I am now, in his arms and more in love than ever before.

"I choose you, Ryder."

He raised his eyebrow.

"And.. I like you. I really like you."

He smiled and lifted up my chin to bring my lips closer to his. I smiled against his mouth.

I heard him whisper "I love you, Austin."

I almost felt weak in his arms.

He kissed me lightly and then it grew to sudden passion.

He let go slowly.

I was breathless. "Uh." I laughed nervously. "Follow me. We're going to my house."

I held out my hand which he took tightly.

"I just want to say, I'm really happy for you, Lilac."

I turn my head and see Lynn. He was sitting at the step of my door.

"Thank you."

"It's probably best you're with him. And I care of your happiness and if it's with him, so be it. I want you to feel safe and happy and cared for." He smiled. I could tell he was heartbroken.

I didn't know what to say and neither did Will.

Lynn quickly got up and left.

"At least he didn't turn crazy like Owen." Will smiled a little bit at me.


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